View Full Version : Irregular bleeding on the pill :(

01-03-15, 19:18
Hi everyone, I'm a newbie and hoping for some help. Basically 3 days ago after a bowel movement (sorry, t.m.i) I noticed i had started spotting, and it has just not stopped :( it isn't heavy but there never the less. I went to see a gneocologist last month due to the same problem and he diagnosed me with a cervical erosion upon examination. I couldn't have a smear test due to me being too young, I'm 23. I'm so worried this could be something more serious :( I'm constantly checking myself!! I'm getting my own house soon with my boyfriend and I really want to look forward to that but this health anxiety is beginning to take over my whole life :( any advice would greatly be appreciated xxx

02-03-15, 01:37
I am going through the same thing right now. I am having what seems to be a period several weeks in to my pills. I don't have a lot of advice because I am struggling with it too without much relief. I just keep trying to tell myself, it is normal it happens and it will stop but it is making me very anxious and like you I keep checking myself. I just wanted you to know you aren't alone.

02-03-15, 12:40
Thank you so much for your reply Ivy, it is so nice to know I'm not all on my own! Have you been to the doctors about anything? I'm going to see a private gynecologist tonight so I'll let you know how I get on and what information she gives me. Fingers crossed I come out tonight feeling relieved and worry free xxx

02-03-15, 20:08
Hi Ivy, I just wanted to let you know I have been to the gyneocologist tonight and she assured me everything looked fine, I just had an erosion which is really common. I ended up paying for a smear test because I obviously can't get one on the NHS, and I knew if I didn't have one I would massively regret it and always wondering what the result would be. I'm super worried about the result, especially because I bled during it! But they said I should hear by Thursday so at least it's not too much of a wait. I hope you're okay, always here to chat or listen if you need someone xxx

03-03-15, 01:24
I am glad to hear you went to the doc and they said all was well. My bleeding seems to be slowing down today so that is good. I have had these issues on and off for many years and in fact I had some fibroids removed just almost exactly a year ago. Those fibroids caused me to bleed really badly so I am super anxious about bleeding at all. Wishing you well with all of this.


03-03-15, 11:30
Thank you :) I'm glad your bleeding has slowed down. If it comes back or is making you worried I would definitely go back. I'm really worried today. I'm dreading the result of my smear and my lower back is aching. Also still spotting too, but not sure whether that's normal after having a smear. Can't stop thinking the worst :'(

03-03-15, 11:53
I'm on the pill for 10 years and have irregular bleeding a lot. I had a smear test, colposcopy and an ultrasound and everything seemed fine. The doctor said it could be due to stress or it could be hormonal.

03-03-15, 13:35
Thank you for your reply. I just really want my smear to come back normal so I can stop worrying. So have you had the results back from your tests? I'm so glad everything seemed okay for you :) I just can't get rid of this awful feeling that something is going to be wrong, especially because I bled during the smear, but she did say I have a cervical erosion. :( sorry for going on, I just feel sick from worrying about the result :(

04-03-15, 01:17
I forgot to mention, I have had irregular pap smears a couple of times in the past and colposcopies and it always turns out to be nothing. One thing to note: Don't have sex at least four or five days before a pap smear because it can cause inflammation and a false bad test. I didn't know this until after my first bad pap, since I stopped having sex for about a week before each pap, they have been regular.

You will be fine.


04-03-15, 08:16
Thanks Ivy :) I didn't have sex before mine anyway, this whole irregular bleeding has kind of put a downer on my sex life for the past few weeks so no need to worry about that. I'm still really worried. I hoping my result is in today because i haven't been able to eat or sleep properly :( xxx

04-03-15, 10:12
Just to let u no I was bleedin after sex for about 6 months and went to a private gyno also she sed there was an ectroption there and def nothing to worry about i to payed for a private smear as I was worried and it came back normal so I'm sure will your too and u can out this behind u let us no how u get in x

05-03-15, 23:59
Hi, just wanted to let you know my results came back today and they were inadequate :( typical! But the gynecologist said she was certain I had nothing to worry about as she only gave me the smear for my own peace of mind anyway. Doing my best not to worry about it and just think positively. Thank you all for your lovely posts :) xx

14-03-15, 23:10
Does that mean there giving u another one then? Ya fine don't worry x