View Full Version : same worry for months

01-03-15, 23:28
ive been having symptoms for the last year that have got worse. if the symptoms just lasted a day id not be too worrird but ive had the same worry for months about a brain tumour. I have dizziness, am offbalanced, tingling and other sensations in limbs, headache pretty much constantly in right side of head and sometimes weird vision in right side of head. blood tests were okay and at first symptoms were not to bad so i accepted anxiety as a an answer however they are getting worse and are persistant. I also have really frequent de ja vu which is odd. i really want an mri just to make sure but i dont think my dr will want too. I dont want to have a seizure or something and im convinced its a brain tumour.

02-03-15, 01:22
From my point of view you have symptoms so vague they could be attributed to a LOT of things (all not threatening), brain tumor being the very last that comes to mind, and even then!

Fatigue, anxiety, stress, hypoglycemia, anemia, migraines, thyroid issues, adrenal issues, inner ear issues... The list goes on and if those are your only symptoms (not saying they are easy to live with, just that they do not sound worrying at all in my humble opinion) then I strongly suggest you start looking at much simpler solutions. Try finding patterns if you can, like what time of the day these happen or if they are worse for a few days/weeks and better other times.

At any rate, it doesn't sound like something you should be worried about very much to me for what it's worth.:winks:

Also, if it could make you feel better, do talk about it honestly with your doctor, tell him your worries, maybe even tell him you know they might be exaggerated but they're still there. He might be able to reassure you with stronger arguments or give you a MRI just to be 100% sure of everything.

08-03-15, 20:52
I came to see if anyone else was having my same worry and it seems like you are. I'm absolutely convinced I have a brain tumour because I'm always dizzy, have weird visual symptoms, sometimes get headache, tingling, and constantly feel like I'm not real. I haven't been to the doctor because I know they aren't going to agree with me but I want a brain scan SO BADLY just to get rid of this awful thought. :weep: