View Full Version : feel like im dying so scared

02-03-15, 03:57
Hi, its almost 4am and I just need to write this down.
I cant sleep tonight and feel like I'm dying.
I had a period of dizziness and some stomach discomfort an hour before going to bed.
TMI but then was quite constipated and my stool was very hard and had a reddy brown hue. Ot was more brown than red but it could still have possibly been red so I then got very worried that I was internally bleeding.
Tried to sleep and now I have a pain in my left side in my lower abdomen. I feel like I cant breathe properly at all and when I lie down feel very dizzy. My chest feels very tight and my hands sometimes feel an odd tensr numb weak feeling, and it almost feels like I'm having a stroke in my left side sometimes, down the entire left side.
I still feel stomach discomfort and a bit sick, and keep getting weird headache things where its like pressure pushing on my head.
I'm so worried I have internal bleeding and im dying or that there is something wrong with my head and I have a blood clot or something or that just something has happened and I am now dying Nd will die in my sleep because my symptoms are odd and not strong enough to go to hospital even thought there's something seriously wrong and I am going to die.
And just now I'm really tired and I want to fall asleep bit I cant and I'm just so scared and I don't know what to do.

My doctor also referred me for an ultrasound abdominal scan on Wednesday for pain I've been getting. She refereed me within two weeks which makes me think she thinks its really serious so now I'm worried somethings gone wrong.

I just don't want to die.

02-03-15, 04:00
Hi Alice,

Just to let you know I'm going through a really tough time tonight with my anxiety as well. I can't sleep either and feel like i'm going mad. Just wanted to let you know you're not alone - being awake as this time of night can feel very lonely

Hang in there, i'm sure things will get better for both of us

02-03-15, 04:07
Hi Ryan.
Thank you, it helps to know that theres someone else out there. I have gotten up to drink some water and i feel a bit better. I feel deep down like there's probably nothing wrong, at least not seriously, as all the odds are in my favor, but then I worry what of there is and I'm sitting here doing nothing about it.
I hope we both get through this night and tomorrow realise it w a s a ll just anxiety and nothing else.

02-03-15, 04:18
Hello Alice 1 how are you feeling now?
Just a few things that may calm you

The first sign of internal bleeding is dark red almost black stool....the brighter the red the better actually. Constipation leads to hemmrodes which do bleed

When a person is stressed and anxious they tence up...pain or tension in your neck is very common this can shoot pain up into your head...gently rub the bottom of you head...the 2 nobs at the lower back....circular motion with you index finger....may relax you

Numbness on any side of the body is usually do to certain nerves...below the waist is usually your glut mucels....you will be amazed what tight gluts will do...tingles..numbness..burning...etc

Standard wait time for an ultra sound is less then 2 weeks...when I go it's usually 2 days after I see my doctor.

I hope your doing well :)

02-03-15, 07:04
I too am feeling a little scared.I did something to my throat today and now everytime I swallow it hurts deep down.Im afraid if I lay down I will choke to death.I also am feeling very anxious about something and nervous but im so tired. So you arent alone.

02-03-15, 19:29
Hello Alice 1 how are you feeling now?
Just a few things that may calm you

The first sign of internal bleeding is dark red almost black stool....the brighter the red the better actually. Constipation leads to hemmrodes which do bleed

When a person is stressed and anxious they tence up...pain or tension in your neck is very common this can shoot pain up into your head...gently rub the bottom of you head...the 2 nobs at the lower back....circular motion with you index finger....may relax you

Numbness on any side of the body is usually do to certain nerves...below the waist is usually your glut mucels....you will be amazed what tight gluts will do...tingles..numbness..burning...etc

Standard wait time for an ultra sound is less then 2 weeks...when I go it's usually 2 days after I see my doctor.

I hope your doing well :)

Thank you so much. I am a lot better, but just a bit shook up from this happening once again and worried about the night time tonight. I'm sure it will be fine though.
That's really really helpful thank you.
I do feel the more this happens, especially about various different illnesses, and with the same sensations, the easier it is to deal with it, because I can tell if it's a panic attack (a really odd medical based one, i wish I had normal ones haha) or if it's new and I should worry.

You too :)