View Full Version : Lymph Node Hurts after months

02-03-15, 07:42
I went to the doctor and he gave me antibiotics for swollen lymph node. I did not realize how swollen it was until the swelling started going down. I was referred to an ent and then back to the doctor. The ent pushed very hard on the lymph node and it hurt. He asked is that it.. and I said yes. It hurt and hurts off and on since then..The swelling had gone down almost all the way .

I went to my doctor and he said everything was good and no cancer or anything but he said there was a little residual swelling but nothing to worry about. The last couple of days it has been hurting and my jaw hurting and my neck feels tight. I just felt of it and it feels swollen but my wife says it has never been so small..

I just don't know what to think anymore and tonight I turned my head and coughed and my throat was hurting when swallowing and it stopped but starts on and off again.. Im really worried as I feel very tired my ears hurt and my throat hurts and my lymph node hurts but I have no fever. Is it normal for a lymph node to hurt forever like that?

I have seen two doctors that say the node is ok.. so what is the problem here?

03-03-15, 00:28
Anybody please?

04-03-15, 10:05
What do the ent say?

04-03-15, 22:37
Ent and my internist both said just a little residual swelling probably from my teeth. It hasn't really swollen but feels tender when I move my neck or sometimes just achy. The doctor said that it was all clear when I was there less than a week ago.. so I just wondered if they can stay achy and sore a little after the swelling subsides.. It just irritates me to hurt there..is that normal?

06-03-15, 03:39
Glad im not dying here and I have someone that cares enough to answer me by pm ..geez.. guess im not in the cliche here or I would have an answer since this was posted days and days ago..oh well.. what can you do..?

06-03-15, 10:42
What u on about? Why are u attacking everyone on there forums? Perhaps they don't no how to answer you glad it went we,k with your ent it's good to have positive news try and move forward for this and like u sed enjoy the time we have on this planet x