View Full Version : BAD DAY!!!!!!!

16-01-07, 18:03
I have really had enough of this and i'm am trying my best but obviously that just isn't good enough. I have to go for a 48 hour tape this weekend and i have dealt with these for years, but i'm petrified of going, WHY?, don't know. Nothing to be scared of i know, just the whole process of going and having it done, getting through it. Got appointment with neurologist on 6th Feb about dizziness and go to see CPN for first time on 20th Feb. Just hoping someone can do something for me. Sorry for the long post.

It takes a minute to get anxiety, but a lifetime to get rid of it!!!

16-01-07, 20:05

I'm so sorry to hear about your bad day. It's hard going back to work when you've got more than your work on your mind. Your symptoms will make it stranger than usual.
Your best is good enough - you made it to work in the first instance! For that alone you shoud be proud!!!!!
Can your work offer lighter duties / changed duties for a period?
My work was very understanding. I can appreciate how hard it must have been.
Your situation sounds very much like mine, i'm desperate for a new job but can't get one.
What is a 48 hour tape?
It's strange what scares you now when before you would have taken these things in your stride.
I hope you are well. Try to relax and de-stress a bit if you can.
Take care of yourself.


16-01-07, 20:30
Hi Angie

Sorry to hear you are not feeling yourself at the moment, sending you a BIG HUG hun!
Could you not discuss how you are feeling with your employers, and maybe cut your hours down a little until you are feelinga little better.
All the symptoms you get hun are classic anxiety symptoms, i geuss its your body telling you to slow down.
Im pleased to hear you have got your appointments through, i would think of it a a step forward to getting well again. I have been just where you are now hun and i promise you things do get better.

Keep smiling Angie !



"If you have a worry turn it into a problem, you cant solve worrys but you can solve problems"

16-01-07, 20:42
Thanks for the replies, feeling really rough and sorry for myself i know. It is very hard and the only thing i can do for now is to keep going, i had two weeks off before xmas and i was worse!!! Makes no sense does it? I only do 23 hours over four days, just so fed up at the moment, maybe i will feel better when i've managed to have my tests done. A 48 hour tape is where they strap a monitor to you and record what your heart is doing for 48 continual hours. Then i will have to wait for the results without going mad, ha. Thanks again guys.x

It takes a minute to get anxiety, but a lifetime to get rid of it!!!

17-01-07, 19:03
Hi again

I'm sure you'll be fine.
Keep your chin up the best you can.