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View Full Version : Nail cancer reassurance for any worried about it.

02-03-15, 17:26

I know a couple of us on the forum have recently had some concerns about Nail cancer and I just thought I would let you know what my GP has said on the subject.

Basically I have developed a small brown spot in the middle of the toenail on my big toe.

So in kicks the HA and I'm worrying about a melanoma. My GP has been my GP for nearly 30 years and he's also a dermatologist who works at the local hospitals dealing with skin cancers/disorders.

He basically said that cancer of the nail never starts in the middle. It starts at the base of the nail, and usually the skin around the base of the nail is discoloured. He then said it causes a streak up the nail from the bottom to the top.

He said " I don't even need to look at your nail, if I speak to you in 6 months you may well still have it as it will take forever to grow out but it won't be anything other than a bruise". He finished by saying, Nail cancer is so incredibly rare, in all of my years of being a GP and working with many many people with skin cancers I have never ever seen it.

So I just thought I'd share because if a GP of nearly 30 years who works as a dermatologist has never seen it I guess it must be a pretty rare occurrence.

02-05-18, 20:38
<3 Thank you!!! This helped me today allot..

02-05-18, 22:23
So kind of you to take the time to share this info! Thanks so much!

02-05-18, 23:19
I’ll attest to this as well. I posted back in January about this line on my toe. I had it since October but my GP wanted me to get it looked at after my physical in January. I did, he said it was dried blood from a lifted toenail even though I didn’t remember my nail lifting. He cut it back, scalded a little out and showed me. It’s May 2nd...the line has just reached the top of my nail...still a little too far back to cut it, but it’s been almost 7 months.