View Full Version : Pain in left shoulder/arm

02-03-15, 19:33
I've been getting this pain in my left shoulder, mainly after eating but it can come on at any time. I nearly had a panic attack while driving this morning cos of it.
I typed it into Google - the classic mistake and pancreatic cancer was the first thing to come up now I'm panicking. I keep looking at myself in the mirror and I look so pale. My boyfriend says I'm imagining it but im worried that there is something seriously wrong..


02-03-15, 20:39
There are a thousand things to cause shoulder pain, all way more likely than anything nasty, including a simple trapped nerve, poor posture or - yes - anxiety. If you're stressed you're tense, which causes all kind of stiffness and muscle pains. Paleness also comes with worry, and as your boyfriend says you may just think you're pallid because you're looking for it.

If it persists see a doctor - not because it's likely to be anything to worry about, but to get some advice on what you can do to put less stress on your muscles. Positive thoughts. :)

03-03-15, 04:49
What do you do for a living if you sit at a desk that's prolly the reason..if you work out that could be the issue as well. I suggest seeing a chiropractor and do some rotator cuff exercise this a very common issue with millions of people. Your not alone.