View Full Version : Damp skin feeling

02-03-15, 19:35
My skin ob my leg feels like its wet or damp and on my face too. Comes and goes :(

My legs feel shaved all the time. Anyone get this sort of thing?

Toronto girl
05-03-15, 22:09
Yes I get weird sensations on my legs. Not sure what it is but it drives me bonkers. I have had tons of tests and nothing ever shows..

06-03-15, 05:24
All the time all over.. just posted about it on here.. nobody will probably answer you ,doctors have told me as you age your body has more trouble regulating your body temp.,maybe that is what is happening if you are young and not middle aged or older then its probably just a sensation ,nerves misfiring.. good luck

11-03-15, 13:03
Thought i was going mad expericening this. I was stupid enough to google and some say damp wet skin feeling is symptom of Ms.

22-03-15, 11:04
Anyone else get this damp wet skin sensation? My toes go so cold and feel wet.