View Full Version : What Makes A Person Go From Normal Blood Pressure To High Blood Pressure?

02-03-15, 21:30
Over the years I have enjoyed good health pretty much with little or no problems. I would go to the doctor for check up and my blood pressure would be just a little elevated but due to white coat syndrome.

Out of the blue about four years ago.I got strep throat and had a bad reaction to some medications that a new doctor had given me.

I had an attack of tacycardia and was put in the hospital and monitored for five days. The whole time I was in the hospital they had trouble regulating my blood pressure but wasn't sure why. They did five ct scans head to foot and also xrays and blood test. They finally got my blood pressure down.

I was released and did follow up to the doctors but soon stopped going to the doctors. I was still getting medication over the next three or four years and then about five months ago had dehydration and tachycardia again.

This time they kept me about four days and did the same and did not find anything but raised my blood pressure med some and my blood pressure got better. They released me and Im seeing a doctor now. They found I was prediabetic and gave me medicine for this and also started me on a cholesterol drug and regimen of baby aspirin.

I just don't understand how you can go from good health and normal blood pressure to high blood pressure and diabetic and taking so many medicines.
What happen? I am also a nervous wreck and worry about my health all the time..

They have tested me and tested me and not really found anything significant to indicate why my blood pressure is bad. I ask one nurse in the hospital that is about my age and he said it just happens to old guys like us.. So I am still thinking why?

I went from being told five years ago I was in great shape to be told a few days ago that im in poor health. I am just shocked and don't understand.

Please help me understand why ?

03-03-15, 08:49
You don't say how old you are but things do deteriorate as you get older. When we all start out - or most of us - are fully fit and healthy. In my own case for example I developed high pressure in my early fifties, then developed a benign brain tumour and now have a heart condition called aortic stenosis for which I will require open heart surgery. All these things have come with age and getting older.