View Full Version : Side of head tightening

02-03-15, 22:59
I often have a pressure/dull ache around my right temple area that varies between annoying and scary if I'm panicking about it. During a panic attack this side of my head - temple, cheek starts feeling tight and I've had panic attacks before where the top and back of my head gets tight and tingly but the side is new. Does anyone else experience this during attacks or under stress? Sometimes the pain/pressure is on the bone connecting my ear to my jaw. Sometimes my ear hurts on that side too and feels full but the dr checked them. I'm hoping someone can put my mind at ease and could possibly tell me the source of this problem and if you have it as well. Thanks!

03-03-15, 11:36
Im new to this forum and this is my first post! i have had exactly the same for about 4 weeks on and off. I say off but only for a few days. I have a dull throb on my left head just above my ear/temple area and sometimes this goes into my jaw and ear. it feels like a sharp pain in my ear but I havent taken anything to get rid of the pain as it only lasts a second and then its gone. It comes and goes throughout the day, like a pulseing throb, never at night so tbh its just a pain which thje more I focus on it the more anxious it gets me!

05-03-15, 21:40
Thanks for replying, blonde. I am not happy anyone has to live with this crap but I'm relieved I'm not the only one with this weird headache. It feels for me like something is pushing against my temple, it's not painful but it's tight, and disconcerting and the fact I stress about it when it comes on doesn't help. I get the jaw pain as well. Do you have any idea what is causing this for you? I wear glasses for reading and driving and wonder if I need a new prescription and its eye strain. I have bad posture too. I also have impacted wisdom teeth. Dr said tension. It's mostly my right side but my left temple felt pressurised yesterday also can't figure out why it's either right on my temple, or above my ear, and sometimes the muscle/bone behind my ear. Have you seen any patterns?

one day at a time
05-03-15, 22:58
Experiencing this too only I have a burning type pain across the back of my head aswell as the temple tingle , pain in my neck and shoulder, it sent me into a health anxiety spiral but I'm pretty sure it's all tension because my anxiety is high , not a symptom I've ever had before with anxiety . I have physio next week to try relieve the tension and making sure I do relaxation cds and exercise daily

06-03-15, 12:10
I think it's prob just tension and maybe teeth grinding but I dont know I'm doing it! It seems to start badly and then gets better and fainter as the days go on.