View Full Version : Worried my sister has a brain tumor??

03-03-15, 03:29
For the past year or so my twin sister has been getting horrible head and neck aches every day. She doesn't know what causes them but I'm so worried that she has a brain tumor. We are 16 and otherwise healthy, but I'm still so scared. What else could be causing this??

03-03-15, 15:23
Muscle tension, migraines, hormonal imbalance.... at 16 there's virtually zero chance of getting a brain tumor, and even then headaches really aren't a sign of brain tumors afaik. It'd be more like worsening cognitive changes. My grand-father had this and ended up having trouble forming sentences, forgot how to drive, couldn't raise his arms and had a very different gait. Never mentioned a headache.

Since you mention neck aches I'd investigate muscle tension, poor posture, trapped nerve... maybe go see a chiropractor or a massage therapist and see if that changes anything.

It's probably a pain to live with, but from an outside point of view it doesn't look like something worrying at all :winks:

03-03-15, 15:25
The fact that the pain originates in the neck, particularly if her neck muscles are tender if you poke them, is a huge indicator that this is likely a muscular/tension headache.