View Full Version : when i overcome one recurring worry, i think of another why do i do this???

03-03-15, 17:45
So basically around 3 months now , I've had anxiety. Around Christmas I had derealization, I think brought on by health anxiety and exam stress, for example I was examining my urine thinking I saw white bits in it. Of course I googled it and it came up with kidney failure causing me to panic and believe I had something wrong with me. I went to the doctors and had a urine test and I was fine and thinking about it now I think it was silly and I know that I over exaggerated.doctor over nothing. So why do I still think I have illnesses and I'm going mentally insane??
I feel like when I overcome one 'problem' I look for another and panic over that, it's like I cannot stop it. Is this because of the anxiety? I want to know how I can make this stop so I don't have to live with this thought hanging over me that I am crazy.

Like 1 week ago I noticed a scab on my foot that hadn't healed and I immediately thought I had diabetes but now I can look back and think rationally about it. So now that I have noticed that I have no more physical worries that I can focus on , I've gone back to thinking I am mentally insane because of these recurring worries!! It's like I believe it and think of the worst case scenario like it will get worse and ill be put in a mental hospital or something. I'm trying not to Google anything else but I seem to just go over my feelings and thoughts in my head to find an answer to why I am doing this?! Which reminds me and makes me panic more.It's so annoying but in school I am fine and hardly think about any of this. And I don't think about it all of the time, I can have a laugh and be positive still but when I remind myself that i have been feeling this way for like 3 months, it makes me worry again. It's like my anxieties are making me anxious?! So I just want to know how to make this continuous circle of worry stop! Please reply

Ps I'm a 16 year old girl, on no meds and I haven't been to therapy. Also I was diagnosed with ITP( low platelets) last June which I think was a trigger. And I freak out easily so please reply nicely!!
Thanks :)

04-03-15, 15:43
First of all, this is my first post so forgive me if I do something wrong. I just wanted to reach out since, although I'm twice your age, I feel the exact same way about my life right now. See, I, like you, do have some "real issues" health wise. I have ibs, endometriosis and I've had two miscarriages, boughts of pneumonia and kidney stones and I get nasty yeast infections from any antibiotics. So, whenever a new thing crops up my initial thought is "what now" or "I better figure out what's wrong and treat it ASAP". Any ache, pain, momentary flicker of anything can lead to days of worry, panic, self checking, etc. It's terrible. I have no suggestions but I wanted you to know you are not alone!

05-03-15, 16:05
Thanks for replying! And I'm new to this site as well but I think you're post was very helpful :) Sometimes I do feel like I am the only one feeling this way so it's reassuring to know that I'm not and that I'm not going mad. I'm sorry about your health issues by the way, and I know what you mean about thinking that every sensation or ache is a disease. It's so irritating. I am going to see a psychologist soon and see if he has any suggestions.
Thanks again :)

05-03-15, 17:49
Hi, I'm new too and probably can't offer much help other than I suffer from HA too. Mostly about cancer, one day a brain tumor, the next ovarian cancer. I had a mark on my big toe the other day and even "googled" cancer of the big toe!
I find it virtually impossible to stay away from Google.
I'm sure visiting the psychologist will be a really good help ��
Pixie73 I am so glad I am not the only self checker out there, I'm never away from examining myself lol

07-03-15, 16:44
I'm glad I'm not alone too guys. I've been battling an ear ache this week while also moving into a new place with my husband and toddler. I was doing great yesterday, even this morning. I was so proud of myself and then bam-got a headache and totally lost it. I've been I. Panic mode for over an hour. I'm a anxious, snappy and, well, in pain. I'm trying to nap but it's the middle of the day so it's not going well. I'm so tired of putting people out. It's just an ear ache and a tired headache but I act like I'm dying and I feel terrible because even if it's silly, I do worry I'm sicker then I am. It's so frustrating. I've been to a physiologist once but I found that stressful and not much help. Maybe I should try again but I worry that doing more about my anxiety will only trigger it more. I try so hard to avoid triggers. How do you guys get over an attack? Is it just time?