View Full Version : propanalol

03-03-15, 20:33
ive been having palps now for around 3 years it got to the point last year i broke down in front of my doctor he put me on beta blockers and sent me away i took them for 6 months still having palps every single day i started gaining weight around my mid section i asked to come off the tablets 8 weeks ago and my palps have calmed down loads =) still get the odd nock or run of missed beats hopefully i can shift the weight ive gained =/ anybody else experienced this?

04-03-15, 03:28
I've been on propranolol for tremors for about 2 years. They worked at first, but the tremors are becoming increasingly strong again. I've also gained far more weight than I'm happy with.
If you are still experiencing odd heart rhythms it might be best to ask your doctor if there is anything else that could help.

04-03-15, 08:18
wish i hadnt posted this i seem to be getting lots of random beats now =( and my doctor has told me to just live with them ive had the 7 day halter etc a few showed up on it they wasnt concerned at all i dont go dizzy or pass out or anything

05-03-15, 11:55
Im on bisoprolol for the last 2 weeks and I still have palps and runs every single day they even feel worse now.. It seems to me its a waste of time because all the do is give me cold hands and feet. Im waiting for holter monitor and was told to keep taking them until they decide weather to leave me on them for test or take me off them. Im scared to stop taking them though as leaflet says not to unless doctor says so.

05-03-15, 18:26
well since writing this post ive had them constant had to go hospital last night they saw them on ecg and also heard them on the stethoscope said they sound like normal ectopic beats =( how can it be normal for your heart to be out of sync every 12 beats? they did however tell me to demand my doctor send me to a cardioligist to be looked at to put my mind at rest

18-03-15, 22:27
well since writing this post ive had them constant had to go hospital last night they saw them on ecg and also heard them on the stethoscope said they sound like normal ectopic beats =( how can it be normal for your heart to be out of sync every 12 beats? they did however tell me to demand my doctor send me to a cardioligist to be looked at to put my mind at rest
I used propanolol for about a month, it heloed the first couple weeks and then i felt like it made it worse? i've stopped using them since.
I had a period (Nov-Dec 2014) of no symptoms whatsoever, at the time i cut back on bad food especially chocolate, i don't know if it was a coincidence or not though.
I started eating loads of chocolate at the start of december (around december 12th) and on the 24th i started getting symptoms again (luckily i had an event recorder to catch them!)