View Full Version : Mental and physical health shattering

03-03-15, 23:55
These past few months have been rough... The anxiety has been sky high Iv felt so sad, lost and lonely. I feel like my hearts breaking at times and I dont know why. I feel like I have not long left of this life. The fear is killing me most Iv afraid of everything. I keep seeing things in my head like images and my head moves at a 100 mph inside but everything feels weird and dreamy outside.... Can't even cope wit life anymore Iv quit my job Iv gave a weeks notice I made up a lie that I had a new job as I really like them in there an didn't want them to think badly of me (crazy aren't i) Work makes me feel incredibly anxious and trapped. I'm teetering on the edge I'm terrified in my new house at night because Im convinced it's haunted after what next door said . I'm not ready to die I will go to hell but living like this is a form of hell itself . These past 2 days Iv woke up in morning really light headed and groggy and generally out of it feelings lasted all day I feel unsteady on my feet it's horrible. Iv had the feelin befored when Iv slept loads. But I haven't each night had about 7-8 hrs sleep I think. On top of these stomach issues I am still having I'm pretty much a bag of nerves. And if I didn't believe in god and going to hell quite honestly think I would probably have tried to kill myself a while ago. I'm really on edge

04-03-15, 02:57
Dear Sarah you've described a lot of symptoms of acute anxiety. You don't say if you've been to a doctor or are on any medication. You do sound to have strong faith. Can you go to see your doctor? If you don't think you can talk to them, print off what you have written above and take that with you. Is there a vicar or priest you can go to? Or family? Try to keep eating and drinking through this or you will feel worse and more light-headed.

04-03-15, 16:09
Sarah I know how you feel, due to some physical health worries my stress and anxiety levels are sky high at the moment, they are so muddled I cannot even explain them. I have a lovely partner but am always so worried and stressed all the time. I feel for you I really do. x

04-03-15, 17:25

You sound really low at the moment, but you need to know that there is a way out, it is possible and you have it within you to get out. My thoughts, and bear in mind they are only my thoughts.

1) Everything feels overwhelming at the moment partly because there are so many things to worry you. The reality is, that in isolation any one of those things is not too much and I am sure you could handle it, but the combination can be overwhelming. Try to break the whole thing down in to chunks and deal with each issue discretely. So for example, I think it is pretty safe to say your house isn't haunted. How are you going to convince yourself of that? What is your strategy for doing so? An aim without a plan is pointless as you will never get there.

2) Go and visit your GP as soon as possible. If you don't get on with the first one visit another. Speak to them about your mental health and accept anything they offer you. Give things time and approach them with an open mind.

3) Consider approaching your local MIND. I am a Trustee of MIND where I live and we offer a whole host of support services that are outside of the normal referral issues, and are also a bit more creative than traditional therapy/meds approach.

4) Be kind to yourself. Don't beat yourself up for feeling rubbish - you will feel better again, but it is very easy to create a cycle where you get angry for feeling bad so you feel worse, you get angrier, you get worse. See what I am getting at?

5) Focus on your mental health. You have been around here long enough now to know that unless the medical profession is completely incompetent that the chances of being physically ill in a serious way are very slim indeed. You need to spend some time looking after your head and who knows the reduction in physical symptoms may well follow - they certainly did for me.

Thinking of your Sarah - I know how tough this is, but assuming the year in your username is your birth year, at the age of 25 you should be enjoying life, not fearing death. You can get there.

09-03-15, 00:42
Hello people Thankyou for replies. Sorry it took so long to respond Iv been quite busy with work ect... That night I wrote that was a very low night. I hate them terror filled nights I sometimes have. Seems like the world gets abit to much and I don't understand it you know ? I think it will contact MIND Thankyou for advice see what they have to say. Xxx