View Full Version : Big event tomorrow night! Nervous!,

04-03-15, 04:36
My husband, daughter and I are going to a fancy ball tomorrow night. this ball is for the church my husband goes to. Long story, but I don't go to church with him and I don't know anyone. He's been begging me to go to something for his church for a bit so I decided to go. Im very nervous becuase i already suffer from social anxiety. I don't know any of these people. We will all be dressed in our gowns and looking our best. any advice to get thru the dance? I have stuff planned for the day to keep my mind busy but im still really afraid of having a panic attack infront of these strangers. please! Any suggestions are helpful.

04-03-15, 20:18

04-03-15, 20:52
Instead of focusing on "What if I have a panic attack" try to visualise yourself there and enjoying yourself, talking with your family and having fun. If it does get too much for you, you could always pop outside for some fresh air.
I hope you have a lovely time x

04-03-15, 23:37
Thanks for the reply. Im so scared rightnow. I will try my best to stay positive! Im only 5 min away from home of it gets to bad.

05-03-15, 13:57
gotta say I did awesome! It was hard at first once we got there but after i adjusted it was ok. I didn't have to step outside or anything! I've been working hard to fight my anxiety in those situations. I came home and was on cloud nine. im very proud that i handled it that well. A year ago I wouldn't have been like that. A year ago i didn't go! all those baby steps are finally starting to pay off. Thi summer looks promising!!!!

one day at a time
05-03-15, 16:50
Well done for facing your fears :) whenever you feel anxious about a social setting you have that to remember and keep you focused , you faced it although anxious , you didn't need to leave and most importantly you didn't panick, that's a huge step in your journey and you should be very proud

05-03-15, 19:49
:yahoo: Well done!!

05-03-15, 20:24
Good job! :) Your family must be very proud too. I hope you have treated yourself to a slice of cake or something!

06-03-15, 14:23
The feeling I had when I got home was amazing! I hope everyone who deals with anxiety sees the light at the end of the tunnel. I didn't used to but it's there!

06-03-15, 14:38
well done...good for you..:D