View Full Version : Is uncomfortable breathing/tight chest normal for anxiety? Ways to treat it?

04-03-15, 06:26
Whenever my anxiety kicks in, I start to monitor my breathing and manually breathe in almost an OCD fashion and I can't seem to let my body take control. This combined with my anxious thoughts/panic causes my chest to become tight and my breathing becomes difficult, almost as though my lungs are hitting a wall when I try to take a breath in.

I've tried breathing techniques, but it seems like once my chest becomes tight and the muscles become tense, I have a difficult time breathing through my abdomen and chest breathing is uncomfortable and almost painful. I can't seem to find anything to alleviate this issue.

The only thing that has been able to alleviate this issue is by taking a .05mg of Klonopin, which I am slightly addicted to and trying to quit, so I'm trying to find other methods to calm my chest/breathing so it doesn't hurt and isn't so uncomfortable.

I have an appointment scheduled to see a psychologist in April, so I'm going to try and attack my anxiety from that front when I can, but until then.. These breathing issues brought on by anxiety drive me CRAZY. When I am not having anxiety and not thinking about my breathing, I don't have any problems, nor do I have any issues sleeping.. So I know that it's all anxiety, but it doesn't make the symptoms feel any less severe.

Anyway, I apologize for the rant, I'm just looking for some insight and maybe some advice from other people that suffer from the same problems.

06-03-15, 04:02
Relax,picture a memory from the past, visualize it , breathe deeply and let it flow through you and soon you will start breathing normally.. this happens to me at night a lot .. I have to do that to breathe ok.. hope this helps..

06-03-15, 17:42
It actually did help a bit, focusing on old memories or even thinking about the future. A form of distraction? Did you come up with this yourself or were you helped in therapy?

Thanks, it did help.