View Full Version : Frustrated with anxiety symptoms

04-03-15, 14:29
Hello all. I’m new here and I was hoping you could help (apologies for the long message).

I am signed up to another board so I apologize if you’ve read this before. But long story short, for the past couple of months I have been fixated on my health. I’m a naturally anxious person, but this was a whole new level of anxiety for me. I would get short of breath, start trembling, and feel numbness on my face and weird sensations on my scalp. I wouldn't sleep at nights because I was so scared I was going to die in my sleep.

I’m happy to say, that it’s gotten better as of now. But there are still things I can’t shake. I keep checking random grooves in my skull and moles on my skin. Right now, I’m going through the following:

Visual snow in the dark

Shaky vision- for example, there’s this whitewood door with wood grain pattern against a white wall in my house. From a considerable distance, when I’m moving, it looks like it’s shaking. I aslo sometimes think things in my peripheral vision are shaking but when I look, it’s not.

Tinnitus- I’ve always had it, but it feels more prominent now

Also, a weird heartbeat sound in my ear that sometimes comes when I’m close to loud fans.

I keep trying to tell myself it’s all anxiety. Because guess what? This all started when I started worrying about my health. I even went to an ophthalmologist about my eyes; he said it’s most likely anxiety because everything about my eyes were fine.

I just don’t know what to do anymore. How do I not notice these things anymore? How can I get my old self back? It’s just frustrating to feel so unmotivated to do anything worthwhile in my life because I keep thinking it’s not worth it if I get sick in the end.

04-03-15, 18:06
Hi :) I'm quite new here too! I totally understand where you are coming from, it's exactly the same for me. I too experienced the visual snow and I was convinced it was a brain tumour, and tinnitus which I also thought meant there was something wrong with my head. But those went away when I found something new to focus on, the same with all my health issues. At the moment I am very anxious and worried about the results of my smear as I have been having irregular bleeding between periods. I'm 23 and really don't want anything to be wrong. But in my head I already have cervical cancer which is awful to think i know but I can't help it. And i too can't be bothered doing anything because i think what's the point If I'm going to be ill. Just want you to know you're not on your own, it was almost like me reading my own mind when insaw your post. Please message me if you want to chat, it's always nice to talk to someone who is going through the same thing and understands xxx