View Full Version : lymph node

04-03-15, 14:59
Hi iv got an lymph nodes in my neck its bin there for over a year .when i first found it i went to the doctors and she said it was fine but since then iv got ha and thought iv had every cancer goin .so the doctor sent me for a full blood count done and all come bk normal .am so scared and really pee off with myself cos iv bin doin really well .i think iv got cancer and no one is listening to me .its got that bad that friends are fed up with me and my hubby said he cant take much more cos i dont listen to him when i do but iv lost about 18 pound in 3 weeks when this first started in nov last year and since then iv lost any other 3 pound then in a week iv eaten junk food and still lost 1 pound .am lossin it again when iv bin doin really well .please help me

04-03-15, 22:53

Im going through something very similar .I have apparently had a swollen lymph node or place on my neck for many years..It hasnt been noticeable before other than when looking for it. I also have a beard which hides it. About four months ago my teeth started giving me problems and the lymph node really got swollen.

I went to the doctor and he gave me antibiotics and sent me to an ENT. The ent did an exam and told me he didn't see anything suspicious, I then went back to the doctor and he said there was just a little residual swelling but no cancer that he suspected after collaborating with the ent he thinks it is from bad dental work.

After the ent kept prodding it ,the thing hurt and still hurts off and on and is just a tad swollen but nothing like it was. It hurts when I turn my neck and sometimes just hurts. I was just at the doctors a week ago so no use in going back.

I don't like the fact that it is tender but I read on the internet that sometimes the nodes never go back down to normal size but I do worry that it hurts when I turn my neck and it doesn't seem like it will ever go back down to normal.. also I have been losing weight constantly over a period of at least 6 months maybe longer however I don't eat sweets anymore and just normal meals ,good balanced meals and was overweight to start with..so Im not sure the weight loss is health related or just change of eating habits..so im kind of like you .It hurts so I worry but just been to two doctors so what can I do?

Also my doctor did blood work and said that things are better than they were a month ago so ...im in limbo with all this and worried to..so you aren't alone..

05-03-15, 13:26
Am off to the doctors soon cos i cant take much more of worrying .i think iv got cancer some were and no one will listen toe thats how i feel

05-03-15, 14:49
Hi, Just thought I'd share some thoughts with you. If you look at your stories above you will notice that they are the same as many anxiety sufferers (myself included) have posted on here. Relationship strain, weight loss etc. You've got something you're worried about, you've seen the doc but while briefly reassured have then doubted what they've said.
Have a look at the sticky threads particularly cpe1978's one about get a plan and also the one about newcomers worried about MS. I hope you might find some resonance and see how your pattern is just the same.
Consider that the only way to move on from your current worries is to begin to move away from doubting your doc, seeking reassurance on here and from friends and feeling anxious.

many of those that have slain the dragon have done so by accepting they are fine when told so by their doc and then concentrating on the behaviour that keeps them going round the cycle.

That said getting to a clean start by seeing the doc is not a bad idea but once you are told you're fine you have to trust your doc.

Explore other thinking patterns:
If we deleted every post that is about fears of cancer, MS & heart off NMP it would be about 5% of its current size. Clearly the vast majority of those people were wrong in their fears. Always good to see the doc just in case but you've done that already.

Hope that helps.

05-03-15, 17:56
I am in exactly the same boat, constantly checking nodes and thinking it's cancer. I Have been to the GP so many times and they have been very reassuring. The thing is I just worrying they have missed something!
HA can be such a vicious circle because the constant worrying can cause a few symptoms, due to not eating or sleeping and being constantly in high anxiety mode