View Full Version : palpitations won't stop!

chatty girl
04-03-15, 20:42
I'm having a really bad evening! I've been having these blasted palpitations for 3 weeks on & off and without bleeting on I went back to the doctors today and saw my own doctor who I trust. I explained everything and he suggested even though he doesn't think theres anything serious wrong another ecg and a echo. I stupidly said I'll give it a few days and see how I feel. Im going to ring tomorrow and ask for the referal!

So tonight it begins again palpitation after palpitation! Im trying so hard to ignore them but its so hard their driving me crazy! Im convinced ive got heart disease and god knows what. I just want them to go away. I'm 33 by the way x

I don't really know what I want you guys to say im just feeling so fed up and terrified x

04-03-15, 20:43

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your post was moved from its original place to a sub-forum that is more relevant to your problem.

This is nothing personal - it just enables us to keep posts about the same problems in the relevant forums so other members with any experience with the issues can find them more easily.

05-03-15, 11:50
Im having this too. Last 2 weeks are skip after skip after skip
The thuds are quite hard too. Was at hospital yesterday after my doctor refered me. Had ecg done, blood work and rhe hooked me up to a heart monitor for around 30 minutes where she said I was having quite a few "extra beats" but said it was fine. Sent me home to bring me back another day for stress test and 24 holter monitor. I know its hard to believe that this is a variation of normal but it is. Docs would not leave you home if they had even the slightest idea that these were fatal. Try to relax. I would definatly ring for a referal though as even if ut turns out to be nothing it will put your mind at rest. X

10-03-15, 00:18
Very common for me as well. Hope you are feeling better.