View Full Version : Blood / bruise/ mark under toenail- complete panic

04-03-15, 22:57

I'm in a complete state of panic , would appreciate any help.

A few weeks ago I noticed what I thought were 2 tiny bruises under my toenail, didn't think much of it until I googled it. One mark is brownish red and the other is dark red.

It's hard to get a doctors appointment on the day so in desperation I paid £120 to see a dermatologist , she said it looks like a trauma and if it didn't have the more red blood bit she would be a bit more worried.

She took a photo and said to come back in 6 weeks to check it's faded or got smaller. I thought I'd feel better but I don't, if she thought it was nothing why tell me to come back? Although as a qualified dermatologist if she's thought it was serious would she have requested further tests on it?

Since last Friday I've lost 7lbs as have barely eaten as I'm sick with worry.

I don't know if I'm making much since, HA hasn't been this bad in years.

I can't remember injuring it. It's middle toe.

Any replies welcome .... Thanks. r

04-03-15, 23:24
In the US you have to pay for healthcare... so they want you to come as much as possible.

In the UK we get free healthcare... so they want us to come back as little as possible.

It's within the dermatologist's financial interests that you feel properly cared for, and that you come back as often as possible. She is trying to be thorough. So even if it was nothing, she might treat it as more serious to get money out of you.

Sorry if that's a cynical British opinion that you don't want to hear!

There is absolutely nothing you can do about it, so why spend time thinking about it? There is no productive use for putting your brain to work on it. Focus on eating as well as you can - being hungry is not going to help your anxiety, or help your toe heal up.

Poor little toeling. I'm sure it will get better soon :)

05-03-15, 05:13
That dermatologist will be well aware that what you been to see her about can be simply a bruise from walking or wearing tight shoes or even stubbing your toe on something. I do a lot of walking and I've got one right now thats been there for months. I had one from wearing boots that were slightly too tight at the toe and the constant banging whilst walking caused the nail to break and a bruise to form underneath.

I'm slightly concerned that this doctor wants you to come back to simply determine that it has faded or become smaller...something tha you could easily do and make a decision on whether to go back or not!

Your GP would have checked this for free and would have told you to only come back if it gets worse ir doesn't change maybe. They certainly wouldn't tell you to come back if not or to ask them to determine whether it has or not.

This doctor knows full well that you can get this service for free and could easily have told you to visit your GP if no change but would prefer to collect their fee.

I'm very sure that if you raised a thread about this on the HA board, they would have advised you to stick to your GP and avoid private consultations.

In people with HA, its very easy to get ripped off by following this route.

Tilly Flop
05-03-15, 07:24
That private doctor will also have had to write to your GP to inform them of the consultation you had and if the findings, so you could go back to your GP for the review and they would have all the information - save yourself the money of the private follow up appointment.

06-03-15, 03:38
Im with Terry is my name on this.. They want you to come back and come back and come back.. all for money.. you probably stumped it and forgot it.. don't worry it will be fine.. forget the doctor and the toe and it will probably go away.. take care

06-03-15, 11:16
Hi thanks for the replies.

I should have said that the follow up appointment is free.

I went to see the doctor too yesterday who also said it looks like a trauma to the toenail. I will post a picture anyway, as both of them have said that it's helped ease my anxiety a little. Have still spent half an hour measuring it with a ruler this morning though so I can see if it changes ..... Hoping to enjoy the weekend now and not worry.

Thanks for the replies. If anyone has had something similar to the picture can u let me know. Cheers

09-01-18, 16:32
How long until it went away?

09-01-18, 21:05
This thread is from 2015, so you may not get a reply.