View Full Version : slightly high potassium in blood test?

05-03-15, 08:54
i had bloods done monday morning as ive been feeling unwell , dizzy and sick. feel better now. i rang for my results yesterday , the receptionist said everything normal but potassium high a little so Gp is going to call me back today. all night ive been thinking i have kidney failure. i do drink mainly cause of my anxiety and depression) but im really worried about this. i cant function today :*(

05-03-15, 16:11
Lots of causes for this, and it's just like us to pick the worst we can think of ;)

I had high blood calcium myself, and it's either kidney failure or multiple myeloma... except it wasn't either and it simply went back to normal over time. Nephrologist told me I was probably a "mutant" with a normal calcium level just outside of the normal population.

Medications, supplements, diet, hormonal disorders, diabetes.... even yes kidney issues (not failure), but that could be the first warning sign telling you to be careful from now on, just like someone starting pre-diabetes now has to watch his sugar intake.

Kidney failure has some pretty nasty symptoms as far as I can remember, and "slightly high" potassium sounds like a really small sign for a serious problem, you'd probably have more on your blood tests and worse symptoms if there was anything big happening.

Hang in there and just keep your mind off of your worries the best you can for today I guess. Bad days happen, but this doesn't look like anything as serious as you read into it so just wait to hear from your doctor and talk to him about it, don't let the worrying go on for longer than it needs to :P

05-03-15, 17:37
thank you so much for your reply. GP rang and isnt concerned at all. she said they get high potassium readings all the time due to yhe blood samples sitting around so long. she said i can re test next week but im not going to bother.

05-03-15, 22:05
I had slightly high potassium and was told to stop eating bananas and it went back to normal.

06-03-15, 00:53
I had this too, I was told it was bananas, but I never ate bananas. They did it again and it was normal. The Dr told me if the blood comes out to fast or something when they take the test it raises it so I think that's what it was.