View Full Version : loss of weight and worried

05-03-15, 09:49
I have losing allot of weight over the last couple of weeks.
5kg I haven't been feeling hungry and having to force myself to eat. I have been suffering from anxiety about medical condition
That all tests are clear. Can anyone help

one day at a time
05-03-15, 10:28
I am in the same boat , I've lost a lot of weight myself and I'm struggling to eat little and often with bad nausea . With your clear results you should find your anxiwty will decrease and appetite return and try increase your meal portions . I still have health anxiety that I'm trying to deal with without putting myself through tests . Little and often , also shakes like complan is the advice I was given

05-03-15, 10:36
Thank you for the reply, i am starting to force myself to eat, but just feel so put of by food, how much weight have you lost? i didn't think just by eating weight loss is so dramatic. i must mention i have had panic attacks recently.

one day at a time
05-03-15, 10:44
I am slim build and usually weigh around 8 stone , since January and losing weight I'm hovering around 7 stone which is too thin , it makes me feel weak and lethargic on top of my anxiety symptoms and it's difficult to do things to keep occupied

---------- Post added at 10:44 ---------- Previous post was at 10:42 ----------

Soups I find the easiest , chewing with nausea is hard and you find you chew forever and can't swallow , I keep a glass of water and chew and wash down . Rice is easy enough too with hardly any chewing

05-03-15, 10:52
i am going to try soups, and rice thank you for the advice.
i still am convinced that there is something wrong with me as i loosing weight quite fast.

one day at a time
05-03-15, 10:58
You are losing weight because you are burning calories with high anxiety levels and adrenalin pumping through the day , it's the equivalent to working out with heart racing and sweating only a very long exhausting work out . You are also not eating enough so burning more than you are putting in . Reduce you anxiety and get your eating back to regular meals and you will find the weight goes back on and stays .

05-03-15, 11:02
thank you :) i have had lots of test done this should have put my mind at ease but it mad how anxiety can take over and make you feel like this.

one day at a time
05-03-15, 11:09
It is ,health anxiety is the worst , we need to stay away from Google or if you have to Google then always put 'anxiety' at the end and you are sure to find other anxiety sufferers with the same symptoms , accept in the symptoms for what they are , harmless tricks of the mind is hard to do but it's the only way out of the anxiety nightmare . I have had a good run of very little anxiety , throw in a symptom I never had before and dr Google and I spiralled big time and struggling to get back on track .

05-03-15, 11:14
yes i agree totally, i have spent a whole day goooogling , and make myself even more ill. how long before the appetite comes back? just want to be normal again. just seem to go around and around and not get better.

one day at a time
05-03-15, 11:29
It's a vicious circle , you need to reduce your anxiety and your appetite will come back ,fuel your anxiety with googling and seek in re assurance will keep your appetite away . educate yourself on anxiety rather than Google possible health issues you think you have . I just recently ordered Claire weekes pass through panic cd and only listened to part of it and it's helped a lot .there's only one way out of this and it's to accept what you feel rather than fight it , anxiety will lose its power. It was cheap on amazon .