View Full Version : Need sleep - help!

05-03-15, 10:36
Hello, I'm new here.
I had an operation last year which has left me with some complications. I am now riddled with anxiety and my brain has forgotten how to sleep! Two weeks now and I feel like I'm going mad. Doctor gave me zopiclone (sp?) but said to only use it for a few days. I didn't take it last night (it's only allowing me 3 hours sleep anyway) and have had no sleep whatsoever. I can drift off and then it stops.
Any advice please, I feel like I'm going crazy!
Also, going back to the docs, I think I need antidepressants - any recommended? Thank you xx

05-03-15, 10:48
Hi. I'm suffering with very similar to yourself. I'm about to try a course of Magnesium as I've heard it can work wonders. There's quite a lot about it on here too. Hope this helps you :)

05-03-15, 10:58
Hi, thanks for replying and sorry you feel the same. I just don't know how I'm supposed to function on zero sleep? I'm a wuss at the best of times. Feel so tense and anxious all the time lately, really getting me down. :weep: will look into magnesium thank you. X

05-03-15, 11:08
Hi Crystal and welcome to NMP :welcome:

I can understand this, insomnia was always made me much worse and was the final straw in my relapse. I'm pretty lucky in that I haven't had too many extreme nights like you are having though but they were still tough when you have spent the day in a mess and have to face the next one even worse! Part of it is your reaction but there is no getting away from the physical mess.

Magnesium as mentioned works for some people. Tart cherry juice may also help as its high in natural melatonin but check the products first as it may need to be Montmorency cherry, I can't remember without checking.

What bothers me is the fact its come from an operation. Is it the fact you have anxiety that is causing the insomnia? Or is it a condition of some kind caused by the operation? If its just from anxiety, then you can try what everyone else tries on here (there will be loads of threads about sleep issues if you do a search).

05-03-15, 12:49
Thank you terry, it is anxiety due to complications post surgery and wishing I had never had the op! A bit like pist trauma I suppose. Have just been to the doctor and she has prescribed done anti depressants with a sedative effect so fingers crossed they will work. Will let you know!

06-03-15, 08:18
Is it a bit along the theme of not relinquishing control to go to sleep as its like going under for the op? If so, a sleep hygeine routine that introduces relaxation techniques near to bedtime may help.

If its just constant never ending GAD then relaxation techniques can help with this too.

Try some chamomile tea too as it can help relax you before bedtime and be careful what you are eating & drinking later in the day.

06-03-15, 14:22
i suffered bad insomnia for months on end.then my doctor put me on olanzipine 5mg at nigh.ever since iv been on them i sleep 8-9 hrs every night..could ask about them and give it a try.has worked so well for me.i thought id be stuck not sleeping forever more..