View Full Version : scared by chest pains and shoulder pain

anx mum
05-03-15, 18:57
Ive been getting pains in my chest for about 5 days now:weep: feels like a dull ache also been getting pain in my shoulder. I went upto a&e cos I was concerned they did ecg which was fine and blood tests what is this im so scared plz help.

05-03-15, 19:08
Sounds similar to something I went through last year - if your ECG and blood tests are fine, and doctors were happy to let you go, trust me you're fine, they wouldn't let you go otherwise.

Chest pain is very worrying, and spirals out of control a bit as an anxiety symptom as the more you worry the worse it gets. Trust the doctors, accept it's anxiety-related and try and relax. I know that's easier said than done, but if you you accept it as something annoying but harmless (like you might if you have a tension headache) then it will subside. Positive thoughts.

anx mum
05-03-15, 19:13
thank u for your reply im really scared cos its going to my shoulder. Hard to stay postive

05-03-15, 19:23
You have to accept A&E departments just don't send you back out on the street if you were in danger of anything heart-related. I spent six whole hours in A&E getting tests, and they didn't let me go until they were totally happy. Also consider it an excellent sign that it's been going on for five days without anything nasty happening. Just as you can have a blistering headache without anything sinister behind it, you can have chest pains with nothing to worry about behind it either. If it persists see a doctor, not because it's likely to be anything nasty, but because it could be something totally mundane but annoying like a sprained muscle, trapped nerve, etc. Positive thoughts.

anx mum
06-03-15, 14:37
Thank u mrh im not very good today got a horrible feel ive got angina? cos of pain in shouder and in chest scared need to get advise

06-03-15, 15:17
Thank u mrh im not very good today got a horrible feel ive got angina? cos of pain in shouder and in chest scared need to get advise

Well no-one here's a doctor, and only a doctor will be able to tell you one way or another, but I would have thought they'd have thought of that. Also something like angina isn't an ideal, but it's something you'd manage and you'd deal with. But I would have thought after all your tests you're likely to be fine.

anx mum
07-03-15, 09:34
Feeling scared my hubby working this morning and got this shoulder pain. The doc yesterday says its muscular but finding this hard to believe this is really effecting my life scared to sleep. Had my bloods done 2 days ago it didn't show any strain of my heart and my ecg was fine

07-03-15, 13:28
I have had chest pains in the past. Turns out I had pulled one of the muscles between my ribs as i had been so tense and stressed. It was harmless and nothing to worry about but was really sore, scary and took ages to go away (this is because your chest muscles are always moving as you breath so don't get the chance to rest like your arms and legs do). I know it's difficult but try to relax your shoulders by putting something warm on it like a hot water bottle and if you can try to avoid over using your shoulder. You might also find it more beneficial to see a massage therapist or physio who may be able to tell you exactly what is causing the pain and may even be able to get rid of it.

07-03-15, 13:58
Had my bloods done 2 days ago it didn't show any strain of my heart and my ecg was fine

That's excellent news. If there was something wrong with your heart they would know. You need to work on the anxiety now to help you feel better.

anx mum
07-03-15, 14:57
sorry had my bloods done on Tuesday is this still mean there ok still feelin bad

07-03-15, 15:05
sorry had my bloods done on Tuesday is this still mean there ok still feelin bad

If you were clear for heart disease on a Tuesday you're not going to have developed it by Saturday! You need to accept an all clear when you hear one.

anx mum
09-03-15, 11:56
Worried sick been back to doc cos still got chest pain and pain going down from my shoulder shes tried to say its not heart related but my anx gone sky high:weep:. Shes repeated a heart blood test so awaiting results

09-03-15, 15:54
Anx Mum, I also get the odd chest pain and that's why I've been hovering on here again lately. O haven't been back to docs again, but I had them last year too and they went as soon as they appeared. Also, my partner doesn't have anxiety and he even gets the odd one.
I'm sure they are completely normal, especially as you have had tests.
I've been good and not Googled, but it's still awful isn't it?
Eventually, you must accept this is normal, it could even be bad posture (which I hope mine is as I literally have a slightly curved spine due to years of hunching).

09-03-15, 20:33
I get this all day everyday hun, you're not alone, aching pain in my chest and both shoulders, sharp pains here and there, pain in my throat/back of tongue, pains in the upper part between my ribs, I've had 5 ECG's and blood tests and this has been going for a good 2 years. If the doctors say you're fine you will be! I know it's hard to accept as I'm struggling myself at the moment, but we'll get there! Think positive thoughts, I'm here if you need to talk, just message me anytime :hugs: xx

anx mum
09-03-15, 20:37
Thank u both for your reply. I hate feeling like this been to the docs today and there telling me its not cardio find this so hard to believe.:weep:

anx mum
11-03-15, 20:48
In a right mess today feel awful still got shoulder and chest painits really getting me down:weep:. My gp has done ecgs and blood and they have come bk ok just worried sick something is a miss

12-03-15, 01:27
Bev honey, your heart is your big big worry. Some are petrified of getting cancer, some of ms and mnd, me and you heart (and me lungs).

No amount of tests done are going to make you feel better about it because the pain is still there and it is real. Tension causes chest pain and shoulder pain. You may have layed wrong during the night and then in the morning mistaken the pain for heart attack etc which has put you in a constant state of anxiety.

No one can reassure you but hopefully we can get you to see that it's not as bad as you think.

Take a look at all your older posts and then think about how worried you were back then a few years ago and how what you were worried about turned out to be nothing. The same will happen this time, but you can't see it.

I know myself that no one can reassure you not even the best doc in the world with all your results coming back negative.

Take care,

anx mum
12-03-15, 11:51
not really keep changing painkiller cos cant find right combination. Thank u els u got new name? My doctor has put me in for an xray and blood work again next week

12-03-15, 12:07
Why would they do three sets of bloods and more tests within a week if nothing is showing? Blood work doesn't change that drastically within a week and nothing has shown to be wrong with your heart in the last 7 years. It appears the cycle is just repeating tbh.

Good Luck and Positive Thoughts

12-03-15, 12:34
hi anx mum r u bev.