View Full Version : low ferritin chest pain fruity body odour smell

06-03-15, 00:05
I have been very anxious for the past week. I have been having palpitations, sweating upon exertion, and now so tired I can barely walk to my letterbox. Also I've been having chest pain, burps and difficulty swallowing. My blood work is all fine except for a ferritin level of 7 and now my Dr is sending me for a colonoscopy and endoscopy next Tuesday. I have noticed a fruity smell in my bedroom for a couple of weeks and with all my googling have worked myself into a right state. My Dr thinks it is unlikely to be a cancer as the other bloods were fine but with the fatigue and this smell I am very worried sick. I have a 5 year old and cannot bear to think what would happen if I had cancer. As it is I cannot look after her as I have no energy. PS I think this forum is amazing as I have been driving family crazy with my fear of cancer.


06-03-15, 00:39
I'm not sure about Ferritin levels so I can't help with that but I had a strange vinagery sweaty smell for a few days and googled it as I'm constantly worried about cancer. I got quite obsessed with the sweat smell and was smelling for it all the time. I didn't do anything diffrently, it just disappeared one day. As for the tiredness and burping I was swolling all the time as the constant anxiety dried out my mouth and I was so tired due to exhausting myself panicking. HA always has a way of making you think of the worst case scenario, it's hard when your worried but every time my GP has been right and it hasn't been cancer. I found the forum googling and I couldn't believe how many others out there have the big C worry. I have found it so reassuring that I'm not mad lol

06-03-15, 00:45
Thanks for the reply worried all the time. Maybe I am just working myself up for nothing. I also found this site via Dr google. The big c seems to factor in a lot of peoples HA.

06-03-15, 00:51
I completly understand that there needs to be awareness campaigns but I have found myself avoiding the TV or any newspaper articles as it just sets me off into a complete spin about it. I'm sure my GP dreads it when a new 'c' advert comes on because I'm usually in the surgery a few days later with every single symptom described

06-03-15, 00:56
I think it's great your Dr is sending you in for a colonoscopy - my 90 year old neighbor tells me that panicking doesn't change the situation and it's better to get it all checked early.
My ferritin is low too but all my other tests were fine.
I got a stool test done to see if there was any blood and that was fine too.
7 is low - were you on your period when you got it done?
Go get the colonoscopy - I'm sure you're absolutely fine!

06-03-15, 03:38
I got the test done the week after my period. Thanks for your neighbours advice. The oldies always have great perspective! :)

10-03-15, 05:29
Hi guys, just wanted to update you that i had the colonoscopy and endoscopy done this morning. While i had worked myself up into such a dizz and cried for days on end to the point where i could not think of anything else, it turned out it was just some benign opolyps and they also did a biopsy of my stomach but dr think its nothing serious! Wont know the actual results for 7 days but feel confident the dr is right. I cannot believe the amount of energy i wasted on this! Fiona

---------- Post added at 13:29 ---------- Previous post was at 13:28 ----------

I still have low ferritin and all the problems assoc with it but hey at least its not cancer and i will be getting an iron infusion tomorrow��