View Full Version : Really Unhappy With My Life

06-03-15, 15:05
I'm 19 and I'm in college. To cut a long story short I was bullied right throughout school, I was very unpopular. I've tried to change my life so many times but it never works. I always get bored and frustrated when I can't do something so I give up. Take doing my driving test for example, I just don't have the motivation to revise and keep on going if I fail. I don't have many friends and I get jealous when I see groups of lads being happy and going on holiday to places such as Magaluf/Malia, and it just depresses me and I get jealous knowing that I'll never have that. I have a stammer as well which is another thing which I hate. I wouldn't mind joining a football team but the problem is see that I'm rubbish at football and half of the teams around where I live are filled with people who used to pick on me in school. And I'd worry that I'd get shouted at by the coaches because I'm shit at it. There's lots of clubs and things for kids to improve their skills but nothing for people my age. A lad who picked on me in school now plays football for a professional team, I would love to have his life so much! Sometimes I blame my parents and my teachers for the way I am, maybe if they had encouraged me more that I wouldn't be in this position now. I just hate it so much! :(

06-03-15, 20:07
Anyone there?

06-03-15, 21:04
Hi, in my experience ive found that life goes in stages and more than likely this is a short period where you are finding your way and it will all change for the better soon. Try to keep positive and I'm sure things will improve. Life isnt always like this.

06-03-15, 21:09
I think you should get out of that town. It's full of triggers and negative associations. It's full of people creating dead ends. Everything just reminds you of the negative things that have happened and the negative things you are there.

You're 19, you have time do do anything you want. Thing is, you are not going to feel a different person until you are two or three years down the road of doing something different. At first you won't be arsed and all the negativity will be there. But all sorts of things will happen and you'll learn loads on the way and in three years time you'll be a different better person who feels stronger and better about yourself and you'll see just how important it was that you made that change, went somewhere new and built something new.

You've got nothing going on there. What have you got to lose.

Go and sign up to the RAF or Navy and get them to train you as an engineer or something. Learn jujitsu, Muay Thai, get fit and feel confident in yourself. You'd only be 23/24 and you'd be a long way to being and feeling a different person.

Many people have difficult starts. It's painful I know and you've got a head full of stuff you wish you didn't, but the world is full of people who've gone through difficult early years and they've used that to motivate them. Become someone your sons can look up to and be proud of. They're going to need you to teach them how to look after themselves.

If you stay there like that you'll feel the same forever. If you do something different and build something substantial you will definitely feel different.

You are 19, start making some plans.

06-03-15, 21:16
I agree. Sounds like a good plan :)