View Full Version : Wanting a baby/Life struggles?

06-03-15, 15:18
Hi guys.. new here as have been searching for a forum re GAD and panic attacks/agoraphobia.
A bit of background on me.. I'm 25 (F) and unemployed due to the above.
I was doing okay.. have had GAD and panic attacks now for 10 years. But had a breakdown in August of last year and became housebound.. anyway bad spell ended around November and now I'm left unable to drive/walk alone. I can't be around many people at all and I am jittery/anxious most days. I am working on myself through diet, exercise, CBT and exposure therapy.
I am married and own my own home.. and we desperately want a baby. We have all the base for a family.. money, home, etc. But I sometimes wonder if I'm cut out for it.
(I am also med-free)
Would I be ok being pregnant with all the hormones?
I'm also an emetophobic (morning sickness!)
My anxiety gets worse time of the month.. is this an inkling?
How would I handle labour?
More importantly would I be an awful person making myself a Mother when in effect I can't really look after myself?
I have heard some people lost anxiety because of motherhood and pregnancy as there is then something more important than themselves.. and i don't have that. My days are very slow and I don't have any other issues than worrying about me me me all the time.
I'm just really stuck.. my home based CBT starts next week and I've made a new routine to step up my exposure daily, several times a day.
I don't want life to pass me by..
Anxiety struggle suck :mad:

- An extra note - I can't go into any shops.. am getting there with going in other peoples houses and I can walk halfway around the park
Any help/advice would be much appreciated

07-03-15, 01:28
I can definitely relate! I am 26, married 2 years, my husband and I are buying a home and this topic has come up a few times. I know I want a baby, but I wonder if my anxiety will be terrible. I am not on meds right now either ... just valium as needed for sleep and usually take it once a week so not big deal to stop it.

I think about a lot of the things you mentioned- how would I handle the birth? I have HA so will I be obsessive about any symptom or feeling I get? Will I be anxious over my children's health after to the point of no return? My mom had HA and I remember it clearly and don't want to do that to my kids! My anxiety is also terrible at that time of the month.

I will say my sister has anxiety and has been pregnant twice - during both pregnancies she was actually MUCH calmer than when not pregnant!! So maybe we will be ok!

I am glad you are starting CBT - that will be a big help. Life will not pass you by as you are taking active steps towards getting where you want to be!

07-03-15, 07:48
It seems to me that you have got time yet and you are making good progress. Perhaps you need to see where this takes you over the coming months and reassess the situation.

I think your husband also needs to be able to take strain off you if the anxiety does resurface so is he ready for that?

Its clear you have done your homework and are determined and I think you have made some great progress here as you are clearing goals on your hierarchy.

I can't say anything about being a parent, I'm not one, but I don't think there is a rush as you have plenty of time ahead of you both so you can afford to see where this takes you.

Some women do have increased anxiety at TOTM and there are supplements that you can try to ease that and since you are med free you can look at some of the herbals that would otherwise interact with antidepressants such as Ginkgo Biloba.

21-03-15, 19:53
I know exactly where you are coming from! at the moment im back on citalopram and have started a course of CBT through the NHS to help with my anxiety. I know deep down that once our house is a bit more sorted (renovation works) that the next piece in the jigsaw is a family of our own but there is still a niggling thought every now and then about how would I cope etc, exactly the same questions as you have. Luckily I do have a very supportive partner and he would never put any pressure on me but I see what friends have and do feel like im missing out. Its just nice to know that im not the only one that is feeling this way.....

Have you spoke about this with your partner?