View Full Version : Anal cancer survivor

06-03-15, 15:45
I am interested to know if there are any anal cancer survivors on the website?
I am one and would be happy to be in touch with any others.

07-03-15, 01:24
Idk about your specific cancer, but we do have some cancer survivors and maybe they can relate to what you have been through?

07-03-15, 07:05
You could post something about surviving, I think most of us here just think that Cancer means it's over when realistically it actually doesn't.
We spend our lives so scared to get something that if we did get it we'd probably die from fright rather than the disease.
I think it would/could be really helpful to write about it for us HA sufferers.

I'm sorry you went through that but I'm always so happy to hear when people pull through it.
I know more that have pulled through cancer than died yet I still worry.

10-03-15, 19:27
Hello swgrl109, thanks for that, do you know how i can contact the cancer survivors on the forum?
And tan235 yes that is a good idea. I have had health anxiety for years and having cancer was my biggest fear then i was told i had it- you canimagine how i felt but strangely all the panic symptoms disappeared and. I dealt with the cancer. There are such good treatments now and the main thing is to catch it early.