View Full Version : GERD, Barretts, Cancer scared :(

California Girl
06-03-15, 15:56
I have GERD & when I eat certain dry heavy foods I feel like I can't swallow it & it is stuck in my chest.Is this a normal symptom? I have been googling & have frightened myself because everything came up was cancer :( I am always scared about the damage the acid has done to my body & I read something about a condition called Barretts which can happen & this leads to cancer. Can anyone help or advise i'm so scared :( Thanks xxx

06-03-15, 22:23
How old are you? You talk about Barrett's esophagus, do you have a long history of untreated GERD? Esophageal cancer really rare in western countries, and having trouble swallowing certain foods doesn't sound like a super worrying sign to me at least :)

Anyway, the fact that you mention dry, heavy foods makes it look much better to me. Everyone I ever spoke to gets this sensation of food not going down when gulping too fast on certain foods like rice for example. If it is frequent and happens on most of the things you eat, or if you have the sensation of something being stuck all the time I would talk to your doctor about it. Not so much for cancer (though talking about it could help you with your worries) but for other, less grim things like hiatal hernia, GERD itself, motility issues....

And as always don't google :P

07-03-15, 00:11
Summer, I have had Gerd for 12 years, treated with Nexium (esomeprazole). Even with this I still get really bad flare ups, and also regularly use soluble ranitidine, Gaviscon advance, and metaclopromide.

I still get some feelings of huge pressure in my throat, and chest, and have often thought its something a lot worse, but it does eventually clear.

I do share your concerns about cancer etc as it does state on the net that after many years it can lead to this, but as long as its treated with medication we should hopefully be ok.

Id say its just something to keep an eye on, but nothing to worry about unless some serious symptoms start to occur. The reason I say this is that this isn't an anxiety issue, so I am not going to palm you off and say everything will be ok as its a real disease we have, and it needs to be kept an eye on, however, as we are being treated, we should hopefully be fine. If there is ever a real concern we can always get an endoscopy so there are always checks that can be done, but as I said, we are medicated so should be good :)

California Girl
08-03-15, 15:55
Thanks for your replies :) I am 33 & have suffered acid reflux & Ibs & anxiety since I was a teen. I have read that the food feeling stuck is a symptom of GERD & it can be caused by a stricture. I am going to my GP tomorrow because I am so worried I have been worrying all weekend & googling so my anxiety is worse now. It is only with certain foods like potatoes & noodles etc I will let you know what my GP says tomorrow I think I want a endoscopy to put my mind at rest although this scares me a lot. I'm so tired of worrying I just want it all over with. Thanks xxx

08-03-15, 17:48
I had an endoscopy a few years back and I cant say I enjoyed it, I had a numbing spray sprayed into the back of my throat and I was gagging just from that without a tube in sight, so next time I have one done, which wont be long I doubt as I am on the list, I am going for sedation which will make it a lot easier.

On the whole they are not bad, but if you have a bad gag reflex sedation is best.

11-03-15, 19:42
Hi Summer, have you done any endoscopy done? well, yesterday i went to a Gastroenterologist and tell him about my upper left rib sensation and bloated feeling along with burping too much. and he told me i need to undergo endoscopy and said that i need to be sedated. i don't but i felt fear doing that but do you think it would be safe for me having this anxiety disorder and nervousness. I hope that one day all of this will be gone. but trully in God's time. :)

California Girl
17-03-15, 15:57
Hi :-) No I haven't had a scope done although I really want one my GP says I don't need one right now. They have changed my medication at my last appointment. I think I would have to be sedated because I panic way too much & wouldn't go through with it.I think it is very safe & it will calm you down so you feel relaxed. Good luck I hope it goes well xxx