View Full Version : Panic and anxiety every day for the past few weeks!

06-03-15, 17:03
PLEASE HELP! I have been having anxiety and panic every single day for the past few weeks. My dad passed away 4 months ago and I am feeling so overwhelmed and stressed lately. I am even having a problem driving and i have never ever been afraid to drive before. I feel like I'm just going to completely lose it. I'm feeling depressed and down almost everyday and i don't know how to get myself out of this slump. I am a single parent who is unemployed and my dad was a huge help and support to me and now his gone. I've started looking for work but nothing positive yet. I really need some encouragement. Writing this now and I'm feeling disorientated and lightheaded and i have been having adrenaline rushes all day.

06-03-15, 17:58
PLEASE HELP! I have been having anxiety and panic every single day for the past few weeks. My dad passed away 4 months ago and I am feeling so overwhelmed and stressed lately. I am even having a problem driving and i have never ever been afraid to drive before. I feel like I'm just going to completely lose it. I'm feeling depressed and down almost everyday and i don't know how to get myself out of this slump. I am a single parent who is unemployed and my dad was a huge help and support to me and now his gone. I've started looking for work but nothing positive yet. I really need some encouragement. Writing this now and I'm feeling disorientated and lightheaded and i have been having adrenaline rushes all day.

Hi Lee,

Sorry to hear of you loss. My parents are a great source of support to me too and I worry about the time that they may not be there so I can only imagine how difficult it must be.

I'm new to this anxiety/stress business having only recently i believe experienced psnic attacks so i'll let someone else advise you on specifics, but what I will say, is that you're not going to lose it. The fact that you are seeking help here is a step in the right direction and the first step is always the biggest so give yourself a pat on the back for that. I know when i've been down how hard it has been even to make the effort to write my problems down.

I'm sure that now you've taken this step you will have the confidence to know that you can turn this around. People here and in other areas can act as the support that your dad once was (I'm sure he still supports you right now just in another way). So give yourself a break and tell yourself it will be ok. Wake up each day and tell yourself 3-4 positive things ...no matter how silly...you owe it to yourself.

One thing I have found helpful during tough times (admittedly i wasnt having panic attacks then), were listening to TED talks...there are some very good and positive self help talks and others just on random subjects which take your mind off things and help to inspire you to learn and see the world in a different way.

Aim to live healthily and with a good routine but most of all a positive mindset. Exercise and eat basic but healthy foods..it doesn't need to be expensive. Over time you will be in a place to find work and when you are then you can turn your life around as i am certain you will. Outside of any job hunting make sure you find a good hobby..again it can be something free such as learning somethomg new. Also don't be afraid to talk to your GP and if you don't like your current one then find a new one. They're there to listen.

Keep your chin up mate!