View Full Version : Always tired mid afternoon without fail

06-03-15, 17:33
Everyday around mid afternoon I get a sudden wave of tiredness come over me....this is usually everyday without fail and normally happens after I've eaten lunch.

Does anyone else get this? And what can I do about it? Usually I'm at work and I feel like I have no energy and im drained, no matter how much sleep I get.

I'm worried it's a sign of an underlying issue...of course :(

06-03-15, 17:55
This is typically due to a spike in blood sugar levels followed by a drop in the same levels (that's why they call it crashing out). Foods that are carb rich have this effect as well as sugar laden and processed foods. Also, not eating breakfast or over indulging could be the culprit.

Positive thoughts

06-03-15, 21:33
Yes, that is not worrying at all, I get that too if I have a big portion for lunch (even a large salad), for me it's all in the amount I eat. Little and often is best I find.
Relax it's very common! X

06-03-15, 21:44
Little and often is best I find.

Exactly! I like to call it "grazing". When I was body building years ago, I would eat smaller meals 4-6 times a day (still do this... same amount of calories spaced more evenly through the day). This way your metabolism stays more constant. When you starve yourself or eat larger meals less often, it leads to the spikes in blood sugars and the crash afterwards.

Positive thoughts

06-03-15, 23:29
I am ALWAYS exhausted around 3pm, to the point where I could literally sleep anywhere. I know quite a few people who also feel really tired around the same time in the afternoon. It's quite normal to feel tired after a meal as well. Consider babies, for example, who often fall asleep soon after a feed, if not in the middle of a feed, haha.

07-03-15, 00:01
Exactly! I like to call it "grazing". When I was body building years ago, I would eat smaller meals 4-6 times a day (still do this... same amount of calories spaced more evenly through the day). This way your metabolism stays more constant. When you starve yourself or eat larger meals less often, it leads to the spikes in blood sugars and the crash afterwards.

Positive thoughts

This is the way I've been living for the last 12 years due to weight training/bodybuilding. But an added bonus is definitely more energy. It's true that when you leave too large a gap between meals, you will feel tired, especially after you finally do eat.

07-03-15, 13:07
We have the same issue and I am 28. May I know your age? During the afternoon I feel so exhausted that as if I'm lifting for many hours in gym.

I have difficulty sleeping though. I want to sleep if this happens, but I can't. My insomnia is pretty bad. :(