View Full Version : not doing very well am i doing this right?

06-03-15, 18:28
Where do i start, Im having issues and need some help.

I have ankylosing spondylitis so I was given diazapam for a couple of weeks not too long ago, I also take tramadole and co-codomal.

Now Monday the doctor gave me 20mg of citalopram and by wednesday evening I had a bad panic attack.

The last one I took was Wednesday evening about tea time but Im still not right atall. Feeling shaky inside but im not actually shaking.Problem is I am such a worrier that i will end up with a panic attack thinking about it.

I dont know if it's coming off diazapam and stopping these thats done this.

I have cut back abit on the pain killers as well Am i doing right??

Im off doctors next week for a chat to see what to do next but he will just throw me more pills, Problem is i drive for a living and cant really be feeling like this.

lost my appetite as well my stomach is growling for food but i cant swollow it. Im in a right old state wish i never even started these things,and now i think Maybe theres something wrong with me thats causing this.

I also came up in a rash on Wednesday but thats gone now, Maybe i was allergic or there too strong.

I see some people started on a low dose but why would he put me on 20mg and not say 10 to start me off, Wednesday day time I felt ontop of the world, by evening I thought I was gonna die.

Why only after 3 days of taking them Im still not great? Better than yesterday for sure but not great.

He give me them to help me feel better in myself as the pain from my neck as worn me down so he thought these would be helpful.:weep:

Any help would be great thankyou.

06-03-15, 19:27
Hey there

I'm quite surprised that you are taking tramadol and co codomal together as this isn't generally recommended as they are both opiate based and have a higher risk of causing breathing difficulties and other side effects when taken together. Have you tried just taking tramadol with paracetamol or ibuprofen instead of with the codeine?

As for citalopram. My go has started me on 20mg both times I have started. For the first two weeks it's expected that you will feel more anxious or have some side effects as your body gets used to the medication. They should start to lessen after the two weeks. Just persevere for now. If you still don't feel right after 3-4 weeks you need to speak to your go again and look into changing.

06-03-15, 19:32
I Dont know, the doctor gave them to me, I dont take them together i normally take the tramadole when i really need it, normally every 3 days or so but the co-codamol i take about 4 a day.

Im trying to quit the tramadole altogether.

I havent tried what you suggested, do you think it be a safer bet just to stick with the tramadole and paracetamol?

I havent been on tramadole that long about 6 months but im fed up taking all this stuff.

06-03-15, 19:37
Tramadol is highly addictive, if you are trying to come off it and have been taking less lately you are possible to get withdrawal symptoms. Tramadol with paracetamol at the same time generally just makes a stronger painkiller, though if you are fairly pain free with co-codomal you may find it better to come off the tramadol after all. I would only take one option or the other though personally.

06-03-15, 19:40
Ye I want to come off this if I can, I suppose I would be better cutting down bit by bit, i can get away with about 3 days then if i dont take one i cant sleep and feel awful.

06-03-15, 19:49
Yeah that will probably be the withdrawal kicking in :( Just try to reduce your dose slowly. Like try push for four days then five. Or if you can't push for four, maybe half your pill on the third day.

06-03-15, 20:02
Sounds good I want to try that, Thanks, Also i have just come off the diazapams and i think im having withdrawl from them too.

problem is i have lost my appetite and if i dont eat i get shaky so im going around in a circles, I was fine until he gave me the citolapram, I had to stop as i drive all day and didnt realise i would have these side affects, He said i may feel sick but didnt tell me i may go into meltdown.
He knows i drive all day too.:unsure:

06-03-15, 20:08
Yeah everyone is different really with side effects. There should have been a leaflet provided with your medication with the more known side effects listed. One of which is a reduced appetite. It might be worth if you can't eat big meals 2-3 times a day, to try eat smaller meals throughout the day. Or if you are really struggling perhaps to drink full fat milkshakes with what you can eat :)

06-03-15, 20:32
Thats good to know, feeling better now having spoken too you. :bighug1:

I think im doing to much to quick.

06-03-15, 20:41
You are most welcome :) :hugs: I hope your side effects calm quickly.

Yeah maybe. Take your time as it generally is a slow process :)

06-03-15, 20:52
I will take my time cutting back i think. Got the weekend off so no moaning customers on my case so hopefully i can chill out abit.:D

06-03-15, 21:03
Relax weekend sounds like a good plan! :)