View Full Version : constant fear

06-03-15, 19:41
ive been going through a rough time recently when i wake up i feel ok then as soon as i go out i feel anxious and light headed feel like so shaky and anxious even when i come home i feel more relaxed but its still there im so upset is there anyways to cope i just feel like crying all the time im on 40mg citalopram.

06-03-15, 19:50
Do you know what it is about going out that is making you anxious?

06-03-15, 19:59
when i go out im afraid ill have a panic attack and will need to get home to my room where i feel safe its the only place i feel relaxed im scared other people may see me act weird because to look at me i dont look like i have problems even though i have tried to tell people before they just laugh

06-03-15, 20:26
when i go out im afraid ill have a panic attack and will need to get home to my room where i feel safe its the only place i feel relaxed im scared other people may see me act weird because to look at me i dont look like i have problems even though i have tried to tell people before they just laugh

I'm new to this..but I would say that it's important to not let that fear of fear get the better of you. Whatever is causing any underlying stress and anxiety, address that...but also try to expose yourself those situations where you feel you may have a panic attack. You know from experience that it can't physically hurt you and embarassment is the only thing that can occur. Try to have an attitude of 'so what if people see'. Just having this attitude may even be enough to lessen the panic attacks.. but if not it will help you recover from them more quickly. The worst thing though i think is to stay in your room as anxiety can grow when you are hiding from fear. But alongside all thos keep ypurself healthy and treat any underlying stress.

06-03-15, 20:48
Hi,you are not alone, i understand how you feel. Keep practicing by going out as much as you can when you feel able to. I find that my breathing gets short when anxious so i take big deep breaths when nobody is looking.