View Full Version : Just Bronchitis or something else? Cancer worries as per usual.

06-03-15, 20:36
Hello. 19 Year old male here writing for the second time this year on this forum. Earlier this year I wrote about me having mild back pain accompanied by frequent urination and red blood cells in my urine. This scared me a lot, but the control urine test I took afterwards turned out clean and the back pain disappeared after a certain period of time so I forgot about it.

Anyway, for the past two weeks I've been feeling generally ill. Flu symptoms mostly with mucus build up, runny nose, low grade fever and coughing. During this week the symptoms became more noticeable when I started coughing a lot. The cough felt as if it was caused by a raspy throat. I also started getting a lot more phlegm in my throat than normal. When I wake up in the morning, swallowing hurts my throat really bad until I manage to get some of the slime out of there by drinking, blowing my nose and coughing. I always feel the most ill in the morning, and seem to get better as the day goes on. Still, throughout the day I find myself coughing and blowing my nose and coughing a lot. If I have a big coughing fit I can feel slight pain in my chest. Main symptoms at this point is really runny nose and coughing.

I've had some random chest twinges in the past month so this accompanied by these symptoms tells my gullible mind that it has to be lung cancer, although consulting Dr. Google tells me Bronchitis is a more likely suspect. I'm a non smoker and live in a smoking free house and overall have very little contact to second hand smoking. I'm planning on consulting a doctor in case I still feel ill on Monday, but until then I though I'd consult this forum for what you guys think of my symptoms. Am I worried for nothing?

09-03-15, 11:31
Okay so new development, suddenly I've got pinkeye.

My right eye flared up in a matter hours and I could feel the gunk starting to building in the corner of my eye. As of right now the eye is quite red and it hurts slightly to blink.

Couldn't get to the doctor's today but will definitely go tomorrow.

17-03-15, 10:54
Update on my situation. I got antibiotic eye drops from my doctor, which cured my conjunctivitis (took surprisingly long, around 5 days to get better when in the past I've gotten over conjunctivitis in a few days). Cough is still there, but less noticeably so. I don't cough all the time anymore, pretty much only as I lay down to bed. For the past few days the only thing that has been really bothering me is a really sore throat.

Last night though, I started feeling some soreness in the right side of my chest. It would hurt when I took a deep breath or twisted my body. I went to bed and tried not to think about it too much but I did wake up a few times during the night and my chest still hurt when I took deep breaths. This morning it's been pretty much the same, breathing deep hurts and moving my body also makes the pain flare up. Is this something to be worried about?