View Full Version : Facial and head sensations!

06-03-15, 22:03
Hey there i been here few times and starting have a werid spell, i went to sleep last night feeling odd and one pupil slightly bigger then the other i woke up and had a migraine my teeth felt all werid the doctors have giving me 30mg/500mg codeine as they think it migraine ! The problem is i constantly have werid sensations too my head some days worst then others, quite obvs i jump to a brain tumor i try and reason with it saying most have no symptons and most cases ive found with people with siezures, slurred speech and visional problems but the only 2 i have is eye floaters and this constant sensation which is annoying! ill say sometimes feel like pressure other times just tingling but i also get very bad fatigue in evening! it slowly got better when it first started i had it from waking up till i went too sleep, ive had eye test everything ok ive also had doctor do load of neurological test and said my balance, reflex, strength etc is perfect, sure am alot better then i was few months ago were was sweating for no reason but this fatugie and constant feeling like i have a migraine is driving me mad ! anyone shed some light or personal experience.

07-03-15, 09:32
anyone ??

07-03-15, 11:58
Hi,are your head also feels sensation when you turn to right or left? I don' know how to describe it,but it feels like something are inside your head and pressure it

07-03-15, 13:48
If I am really stressed, I get weird sensations inside my head and on the outside of my head, sometimes its really bad, and freaks me out, but I know its stress. Your teeth pain is probably grinding teeth or clenching your jaw when you are asleep, I do it all the time and it does cause a lot of pain during the day around my jaw and teeth, it also causes really bad headaches.

You seem to sometimes be looking for a problem mate, and this isnt the road to go down, you need to relax and stop overthinking every little thing because its going to cause your anxiety to spiral.

07-03-15, 14:13
hi thanks for your replys, i was like this when my anxiety first kicked off now am going back :(, i seems be all over but does feel like something in my head that shouldnt be there, i just feel horrid, sickly, confused and causing me have eye floaters really bad and goosebumps plus getting odd sweats to my hands and feet, doctors gave me codiene but that not seeming to do much but just make me dopey, there no pain as such just sensations that am concentrating on when i went outside my heart started getting palps, feet sweaty and i thought my vision was flickering :/

btw the pressure mainly on front or left side,