View Full Version : Salivary duct blocked and rash "Cancer"

06-03-15, 22:35
Ohh please help someone!!

I've just Google'd my symptoms and up pops cancer!!

I went to my gp on Tuesday about this and he prescribed me antibiotics for inflammation and told me to suck on pieces of lemon to stimulate the saliva to try and see if it subsides..the day after i'm covered in a rash hadn't started the antibiotics yet so i went back and he says i have Adult Chicken pox and gave me an antihistamine and told me to start the antibiotics right away.

it's been 3 days and the rash seems worse i'm so afraid after reading what i just red OMG!!! I know i shouldn't Google but what popped up was coeliac disease and the C" right below. I now feel like I have to go to the hospital.

Never been this afraid in all my life!!!

---------- Post added at 22:35 ---------- Previous post was at 22:20 ----------

Please someone, i'm in a right state :'(

06-03-15, 22:50
So a doctor did see you for both your rash and salivary duct and he did not seem to be worried? In that case I would trust his judgement.

Did he tell you how you should expect things to evolve? 3 days is pretty short for a lot of conditions, my doc tells me to wait 1-2 weeks and if things get steadily worse or don't get better I should contact him.

If you want you can try and eliminate Celiac Disease right now by starting a gluten free trial, it just takes a little extra thinking when doing your meals and snacks, a most people can tell a difference within 1-2 weeks (though some require months of gluten-free diet before they get better, so it's not 100% accurate).

If it worries you so much I would probably try to call my doctor, let him know that the rash is getting worse, see what he thinks.

Bad things rarely happen overnight, which is why it's generally pretty safe to watch how your symptoms progress over a week or two before doing anything about it, unless symptoms are directly threatening or severe. That's actually my rule for symptoms that worry me; if it's worse in 2 weeks I can do something about it, otherwise it's probably nothing.

And finally, you can google anything and find cancer in the list. I've probably had over a hundred "cancers" according to dr google, but it's always something simple in the end.

06-03-15, 23:50
Hi Light_Bringer

Thanks for your reply

The G.P says that he doesn't give these antibiotics out unless of a serious sinus or chest infection, but they should be fine for the inflammation and told me that i should notice a difference in 4 to 5 days they're called co-amoxciclav 500/125mg three times a day. He said he thinks their is a stone blocking my salivary duct and it can cause infection hence why he gave me them..

The next day i'm ready to take the antibiotics and notice a rash on my body and arms so i call the surgery up and they told me to come back down he had a good look and asked if I'd started my antibiotics which i hadn't yet he was asking if i've changed detergent, shower gels, etc i said no, he began looking at them and ruled out other skin conditions and said adult chicken pox.. And prescribed me an antihistamine Cetirizine 10mg once a day. And not too worry but after reading that i'm terrified..

My head is going haywire atm so afraid, thinking about my children, my fiancee all sorts :'(

Thanks again

Much appreciated btw


07-03-15, 00:33
I know that feel, thinking about your leaving your loved ones and making terrible scenarios in your head and all that.

Don't know how to help you beyond here personally. Chicken pox takes like what, a week or two to get sorted out? I say trust that diagnosis until there is a very solid reason not to.

Got any coping tools you're used to? Ways to keep your mind off of worries? There are days when the best you can do is make it through. Hang in there til it gets better!

07-03-15, 01:04
Viruses can cause rashes ... it's probably just bad timing honestly that both happened together. I had a virus with a bad rash .. my whole body was red and burning and I was terrified. It took almost 2 full weeks to get better. If it's chicken pox, it's a virus and the antibiotics won't help that - they are just for the salivary gland infection. So give yourself some time, get some rest, if it is not better in 2 weeks then go back (as others have said).

07-03-15, 16:16
I know it's really hard but try not to worry, my sister in law has had stones in her salivary ducts three times, and each time she looked like she had mumps on one side of her face. The doctor did say on the 3rd occasion that he might have to refer her for a scan if it happened again but cancer was never mentioned and she has been fine since the last time which was a few years ago now.

As for Chicken pox I work in an infant school and it is rife at the moment. Apparently it is Chicken Pox season or so they tell me in the school so I wouldn't be surprised if you had caught it as the kids are dropping like flies.

Hope you feel better soon.

07-03-15, 18:34
Could the rash and salivary thing be linked virally? (As opposed to the big c.) I remember having this weird as anything virus once where I couldn't open my mouth. It wasn't when I was concerned with my health and antibiotics made it go away but the dr wasn't sure what it was. Viruses are tricky little things and rife at this time of year x