View Full Version : Petechiae rash spreading

07-03-15, 14:55
Hello everyone,

I went to my local walk in centre yesterday due to a rash on my left arm (see photo one) And The nurse on duty said that it was a Petechiae rash.

However overnight this seems to have now spread to my neck as well and I now have a painful lump at the back of my neck along with a petechiae rash (see photo 2) below on my neck now as well as my left arm.

The rash isn't painful but the lump on my neck is.
Should I go back again today or leave it and see how it goes?
And does anyone know what is causing these symptoms?

07-03-15, 14:58
Photo 2 (new rash and lump on the back of my neck)

07-03-15, 23:39
Is the rash itchy? I only ask because it looks more like your skin has been irritated by something (e.g. slight allergy) rather than a petechiae rash. Obviously I'm no expert, and it might just be the quality of the photos. If it hasn't cleared up, or if it has become worse, I would consider going back and asking whether it could be an allergic reaction, in which case you could take some antihistamine to see if it helps.

08-03-15, 10:02
Hello anthrokid,

The rash isn't itchy at all.
I guess it could be an allergy but the nurse told me she was sure it was a petechiae rash.
I believe the lump on my neck is a boil but I'm still worried about rash spreading.
Tbh I Just wish it would go away :(

09-03-15, 00:19
It could just be the photo quality that made me think it might not be petechiae. If you have a confident nurse though then she is probably right :) Did she give you any advice re: what could be causing it? There are many things that can cause a petechiae rash, and a lot of them aren't as serious as you might think. For example, certain medications can cause the rash, slight infections and viruses can cause the rash, and sometimes even allergies can. If it is something you are still worried about, I would go and check in with the GP. That way you can ask some more direct questions and get a little more information about the possible cause, which might help alleviate your anxiety.

10-03-15, 20:02
I have had noticed petechiae on my legs for about 4-5 months now and I'm scared I have something serious too. I'm not an expert, but I know that there are many benign conditions that can cause a petechial rash.

Let me know how it goes if you do end up seeing someone about it

Toby :)

14-03-15, 10:56
Hello everyone,

Well I went to see my nurse at my local surgery who said she had never seen anything like it before so couldn't diagnose me with anything.

Later that day I went to the walk in centre and seen another nurse for a second opinion who took a look at it and noticed that it was now spreading across my abdomen as well as my neck and arm.

He wasn't 100% sure what it was either but thinks it could well be a skin infection known as ringworm.

However ringworm usually shows up on the skin with a ring around the rash as you can see mine doesn't so he believes that's what might be causes the other nurses to give me a misdiagnosis.

He's given me some cream to try on it and I was told to go back if there has been no improvement within a week or two.

Sadly so far there has been no improvement so I'm doubting whether it's ringworm or not now :( and it's now spreading even further.
So it looks like I will need to book another appointment with my doctor to get a 3/4th opinion on it.

14-03-15, 23:52
Thanks for the update :) Interesting that you've seen 3 nurses now and they've all come up with something different. I think it'd be a good idea to see your doctor for another opinion, just because what you've been told so far seems quite inconsistent. It could very well be ringworm, or something else, but it might put your mind at ease to get a second confirmation from a doctor, particularly if the nurse wasn't 100% sure about it. I imagine that it isn't anything dangerous, but it'd still be good to have something solid to go by.

16-03-15, 22:32
My son gets petechiae as he had ITP and it's more purple and much flatter although as Anthrokid says it could be the picture. It possibly looks like a bacterial rash to me which will spread as you touch it or rubs against your clothes. Worth trying an antibacterial wash or cream but may need antibiotic cream. Any fungal rash would almost certainly be very itchy x

28-03-15, 08:36
Returned to my doctors again last week.
He now thinks it could be pityriasis versicolor.
Just hoping that this is what it is as I can stop worrying about it then.

Gary A
28-03-15, 10:18
It is pityrisis versicolor, no doubt about it. You should be prescribed ketaconozole. You can even buy this in the form of nizoral shampoo. Apply to the affected area and leave it for 5 minutes before rinsing. Try this about 5 days in a row. The rash should subside but may take up to two months for your skin to return to normal colour. The rash is totally harmless, caused by a multiplication of a fungus that we all have, some are just prone to more of it. It may flare up again in warm weather but if it does just do the same thing with the nizoral. If it's stubborn you may be prescribed tablets or creams.

blue moon
28-03-15, 10:25
Hi l get a rash that looks similar I have seen dermatologist and head tests I have allergy to lot of different things but the main was Kathon it is found in so msany products,funny thing is I only have had allergy since I had Ross River Virus and Bar Mar River Forest virus,if rash continues maybe see dermatologist.

28-03-15, 23:19
Pityriasis versicolor sounds much more likely than the previous two suggestions. Hopefully you have the right answer now and can treat it and ease your worries :)

29-03-15, 02:17
Hi there,

Good to hear that it might be something else! I saw my doctor last week for something that did turn out to be petechiae. He said they're "normal" and not a cause for concern unless you have thousands quite suddenly and didn't even think they warranted blood tests etc.

Incidentally, mine look very different to what you have (not at all raised and a deeper red), so I guess it's possible that yours is something else.

Best of luck :)