View Full Version : Left side feels different from right: scared!

07-03-15, 19:11
Hi, a freaky thing happened to me Thursday night, before I fell asleep my left hand felt slightly swollen, I thought nothing of it and went to sleep, woke up at 4am and my left arm felt like it and my face!!!!
I looked at my hands in the light and the left looked slightly puffier than the right, my arm didn't look but definitely felt different than the right, and the left side of my face felt puffer as well.
Then with horror I looked at my feet: the left one was slightly puffer and redder!!,
I freaked out so much that I thought it was either a heart attack or a stroke, why else would the left side only be affected?
I ended up having a panic attack (first one in my life) because of this.
Luckily I managed the panic attack quite well, I sat down and breathed deeply and asked my husband for some water.
I didn't go back to sleep but still managed to get up, make the beds, prepare the kids for school etc... So my strength wasn't affected, but the entire left side still felt weird although the puffiness disappeared (I guess with not being as hot as when in bed).

It's almost like someone drew a line in the middle of my body and the right side feels normal and the left feels heavy and swollen. Also when I put my jeans on it felt like someone put an ice pack on my thigh and buttock.

I saw a doctor that morning who at first didn't appear to believe me but did some tests (checked my pupils, my reflexes, my strength, my face muscles, my oxygen intake, blood pressure, temperature, listened to my chest and even did an ECG) and everything was perfectly fine.
The feeling remained all day but I tried not to focus on it, and last night I fell asleep and AGAIN woke up with a slightly puffy left hand, left foot etc....
And the worse thing: I had massive chest pains around the area of my heart and again I thought "heart attack" but I'm still alive this morning.
While the chest pains were happening I also had massive bloating and wind and the pain stopped when I turned to lie on my right or left side.
I have no idea what this could be, but it's worrying me beyond belief, can anyone find it in their heart to give me their thoughts please? (Not worrying ones!)

---------- Post added at 15:50 ---------- Previous post was at 15:12 ----------

I don't know if this information adds to anything but when my left side feels really puffy (mainly at night or when I'm hot) my left nostril is fully blocked and my left ear can also hurt slightly, this sounds very surreal but it's true I assure you.
I asked the GP if it could be related to some sort of virus as on Tuesday night I felt really fluey with chills and stuff, headache and sneezing and she said possibly, but I don't know if she was saying that to reassure me.

---------- Post added at 19:11 ---------- Previous post was at 15:50 ----------


07-03-15, 19:50
Hello Mediaaddict.

Speaking from a sufferer of Anxiety for a year now. I have to say that everything you have said, I have experienced.
Anxiety has symptoms that can be as long as your arm.
I listed mine and there were about fifty of them.
And, you start looking for things.
Is one eye bigger than the other. Red rashes appearing.
Yes, Anxiety can do this. It is very powerful.
But, what you have to get in to your head, is it can NOT kill you.
It is actually protecting you.
I don't know what has gone on in your Life, but Anxiety can be a result of too much Stress, Overwork, Trauma, Bereavement, Illness and Depression.
Do you see a Therapist? I would recommend that you do if you can.
A GP can check you out medically, but they are not familiar with Anxiety as an illness.
And, joining this Forum will be helpful and supportive for you.
But, keep calm and do regular breathing exercises; this will help you a lot. :)

07-03-15, 19:52

Could it be some kind of allergic reaction or something? The chest pains sound like anxiety to me, I get them myself when I'm anxious, and I thought I was having a heart attack until the dr told me it's anxiety. I've just read that poor posture at night can cause what you're describing. Try and sleep in a neutral position tonight and see if that helps.

Seriously, I wouldn't worry about it because your doctor doesn't seem concerned.


Good luck
Toby :):hugs:

07-03-15, 20:11
Thanks guys! Thanks for your reassuring words.
Carnation I am an anxiety veteran and have had it for as long as I can remember, but I have been doing so well for the past 3 years with my HA and with how I react to things, I have even surprised myself.
Which is why when the panic attack started, I knew exactly what it was and handled it really well (although I had never actually had a full one before).
But it's this left thing that's freaking me out, I can't help thinking there's some sort of tumour on the left of my brain or something.
I have had quite a bit of stress these past few weeks admittedly.
Hissymoose it seems to definitely get worse when I'm lying down and the first time it happened I was lying on my right side.
The weirdest thing is that when I woke up, the left side of my side only was sweating!
As funny as it sounds it's true. It seems to me like the left side of my body isn't doing it's job properly, but I have no idea what brought it on.
A part from the sinister options, I'm thinking virus, sciatica (my left butt feels like it's being pinched when I walk) or something along those lines.
The reassuring thing for me is that
1 I'm still alive and it started Thursday night.
2 the symptoms are quite slight (ie slight swelling, slightly different feel from one side to the other
3 at least I still have strength on both sides.

one day at a time
07-03-15, 20:16
Anxiety symptoms can just affect one side of your body , with your heightened adrenalin it's sending mixed signals to your brain. My left side has been affected this time with weakness and a numb sensation . I've just had antibiotics for a sinus infection and it was just the left nostril , it's very weird but makes sense i

08-03-15, 08:59
Seriously? Well I didn't think that was possible. I had a really good night's sleep last night which is going to help with the way I feel about this "issue" today.
I personally do no think that this is just an anxiety symptom BUT the main thing is that I am determined not to let it take all of my attention.
If I have any insight to what caused it I will post on here (unless it's sinister of course! Don't want to freak anyone out!).

08-03-15, 09:17
Absolutely, most of my abdominal tension is right sided and I've seen others say the same.

10-03-15, 19:26
Left-hand side/right-hand side. Yes, could well be Anxiety.
I had deafness in the left ear, head pain in the left-hand side of the head, twitching left eye-lid; which I still have. Deadness in the left leg with constant cramping. Heat rushes.
I don't know whether this has any relevance, but I understand the left-hand side of the Brain is the Emotional side.
have you had a lot of emotional stress lately?

11-03-15, 21:40
Read the other comments over and over again until they sink in..

there's nothing wrong with you, it's anxiety :)

Stay strong