View Full Version : Heart murmur

07-03-15, 17:19
Please please I'm freaking out. I'm 12 weeks pregnant and went to doctors yesterday about dizziness. I was so scared of what she was going to say I was already panicking!!! She checked my chest and said she could hear a whooshing sound like a murmur. She said not to worry it might be cos I was really stressing and it can happen in pregnancy. But of course having HA I'm worrying like crazy as she reffering me to hospital xxx I'm sooooooo scared x

07-03-15, 18:33
A friend of mine joined the army last year and had the same thing heard during his medical.
The army doctor did a bundle of tests on him and a cardiologist said that his heart was super fit.
The whooshing noise was due to the power of his heart pumping much stronger than normal.
The cardiologist said it was rare and seldom seen but had read research papers on it.

For reference this friend is about 5'8 and weighs 9 stone of nothing with no muscle and has never been into exercise prior to joining the army.

This is a guy that can run a mile in under 4 minutes and then go on to do 100 burpee pressups and then do a 6 mile run.

During pregnancy the heart works harder so it's very possible that you also have nothing to worry about :-)

Try not to scare yourself with all the what if thinking and accept that there are more possibilities than the extreme of fatal or perfectly normal.
Sometimes abnormal is even better.

All the best.

07-03-15, 18:59
I had a doctor hear a murmur randomly a few years back. He said it could be from stress, virus, anything. He also said not to worry about it. Docs heard it for about a year nd then it disappeared.

07-03-15, 19:10
Thank you for ur replies. It was just out of the blue n I have gone into panic mode thinking I'm going to die due to a heart problem x

---------- Post added at 19:10 ---------- Previous post was at 19:09 ----------

Hate feeling so scared all the time 😞😞😞

07-03-15, 20:21
I'm in the same boat and it's become a habit that it's in the back of my mind in almost everything.

Dwelling on the thoughts certainly make me worse and I'm learning to accept them almost and try not to let myself get lost in them.

I know it's morbid but if you can just accept that it's only a thought then it will help..
Every time I hear myself saying what if, I know I'm thinking on a wrong path.
