View Full Version : Thyroid Cancer?? Freaking out

07-03-15, 20:34
Okay so about two weeks ago I had a really bad strep infection in my throat. My glands in my neck got very swollen and painful and my doctor gave me some antibiotics and told me to take them for a week. I felt better a day after taking the antibiotics and I did about 5 out of 7 days of the course of the antibiotics and never finished them out (I'm stupid for doing that, I know).

Now nearly a week after stopping the antibiotics, my glands in my neck are swollen and painful again but this time I have no throat pain and I'm absolutely terrified I have thyroid cancer :/ Googling didn't help any bit as usual and I'm just freaking out so bad :/

I know I probably don't have thyroid cancer and this is probably just the strep infection being spread to my glands because I never finished the antibiotics but I'm freaking out anyway!! Please help!!
Thank you!!

07-03-15, 20:57
Just call your doctor, get another prescription and this time, take as directed and finish the medication.

Positive thoughts

07-03-15, 21:03
The answer is in your post, you've just had an infection, didn't finish your antibiotics (seriously, big slap on the wrist for that) and even if the infection was cleared swollen nodes can take a while to get back to normal.

Also, thyroid cancer is really slow and starts at the thyroid itself afaik, not swollen glands in a matter of days or even weeks.

Give it a while, maybe you'll have to take extra antiobiotics if the infection comes back (maybe it will clear up) and talk to your doctor about it if the glads are still there in like... 4-6 weeks? Or just give him a call right now, it might be better not to wait and see if the infection comes back, he'll know what's up.

07-03-15, 21:11
The answer is in your post, you've just had an infection, didn't finish your antibiotics (seriously, big slap on the wrist for that) and even if the infection was cleared swollen nodes can take a while to get back to normal.

Also, thyroid cancer is really slow and starts at the thyroid itself afaik, not swollen glands in a matter of days or even weeks.

Give it a while, maybe you'll have to take extra antiobiotics if the infection comes back (maybe it will clear up) and talk to your doctor about it if the glads are still there in like... 4-6 weeks? Or just give him a call right now, it might be better not to wait and see if the infection comes back, he'll know what's up.

Thanks for your reply :) I know I feel like such an idiot for not finishing them but I was just so busy on my last day of the antibiotics that I just completely forgot about them and I was feeling so much better so I just didn't think.
I think the infection has come back but it's just located in my glands now :/ My glands had come down and weren't painful after taking the antibiotics and now have flared up literally in the last few days! Another trip to the doctor is probably needed :ohmy: