View Full Version : Bad Insomnia. Please any advice if you had this before?

08-03-15, 01:12
Hi everyone. I am not a new member here and in fact I have my other account here and I can't remember my password at all. So I created a new account. I already had my first post here and it was a post of what I feel physically and emotionally.

So now, what I am concern of is that my sleeping pattern. I could not really sleep whenever I go to bed. Its going to be on 5 days now. I think I do have a 2-4 hours sleep, and that is not a restorative one that they call it. Sleeping but easily get awake whenever I hear sound or whatsoever. Last night was the worst because I only get I think 1 hour sleep or I guess nothing.

I don't worry that much, but because of this I worry every night because of my sleep. I am trying to relax and calm myself but my mind is really very active. Its like I am in a movie which switches from scene to scene. :(

I am worry it could turn to something bad. Help.


08-03-15, 02:37
Well you're not alone, there are millions of people going through the same. Thing right this night so don't worry
I myself woke up gasping for breath half an hour ago and now cant sleep.
I went through a time of about 4 months of not falling asleep for hours and hours, waking up during the night, panicking desperately at 3am. It still happens now sometimes.
I think its a good sign, as it shows the extent of your worry out right. If you're having trouble sleeping and falling asleep and stayin asleep ots usually a good indicator you've got a lot on your mind.
Try some valarian tea for a natural remedy and go to bed at nine, waking up qt 6 and practise good sleep hygiene.I normally can fall asleep anywhere instantly so this is why it was so hard for me in those times of insomnia. I often couldn't be bothered to be so strict with my bedtime/ having a shower in the evening, but when I did do it it really worked.
Eating some plain yogurt with honey might help soothe you too.
And if not then I'm always here to talk.
Your body will get the sleep it needs eventually don't worry. Stay away from sleep meds, and be easy on yourself. It'll be alright!

08-03-15, 03:50
There are plenty of things you can try, it is just a matter of finding what works for you. Here are but a few suggestions.
1. Don't drink anything with caffeine
2. Don't eat after 8pm
3. Avoid watching high intensity television programs from at least an hour before bed
4. Avoid using your computer/tablet/mobile phone from at least an hour before bed (the brightness of the screen will activate your brain into staying awake)
5. Do NOT nap
6. Try having a hot bath in the evening to relax your body
7. Try some yoga or meditation in the evening to help you relax
8. Make sure you cannot see a clock in bed (checking the time and counting hours is only going to increase your worry about sleeping and in turn make it harder for you to sleep)
9. Try and get some exercise during the day to use up your energy
10. Try eating a larger lunch and a smaller dinner

08-03-15, 08:38
Thank you so much for your replies. I really appreciate it.

@Alice1 = Before I used to sleep okay. Like, when I go to bed and lay down after 10mins. I am unconscious and really have that deep sleep, the restorative sleep as what they call it. Last year January of 2014 was the very beginning of my panic attack and there after my sleep pattern has been messed up until now. But though you are right, there are times that I get that 5 hours of sleep but there are some point that I could and at times not at all. During the day I feel dizzy and I couldn't concentrate on my work, maybe because I am lacking in sleep.

@anthrokid = Thank you so much for those tips. I haven't been drinking caffeinated drinks for so long now (maybe a year or two) . I stopped it because of my stomach issues. I eat usually at 6pm or 7:30pm, but sometimes I get a snack after my supper. hehe...I do use computer a lot because of my work. and I guess that thing alone causes my insomnia. I feel sleepy during the day and I want to take a nap but couldn't sleep, I tried it but I can't really sleep. I am just laying, closing my eyes but not sleeping.

08-03-15, 08:46
If you need to be on the computer late then there are solutions for that. Its all about activation of chemicals in the brain by the blue light. You can buy screen filters to change the light, which I think becomes yellow instead. I think there is an app for this for phones and possibly computers as there was a thread posted on the Top Tips or Natural Remedies board some months back that members were using.

You can also buy some lenses to wear that will also slip over your glasses but they are not cheap.

09-03-15, 12:19
Thanks for your headups @MyNameIsTerry. I do have an app installed on my PC which automatically reduce/change the color of my monitor when it hits night time.

Last night, I got some sleep, but I woke up I guess 3-5 times... T_T