View Full Version : Another day, more anxiety! Need some reassurance please? :(

08-03-15, 12:47
Hey guys, this is my second post on here, just wondering if anyone else gets the same things I do and can it really all be anxiety? It doesn't seem like anxiety can do this to me! So last night/early this morning, another ambulance out, my 5th ECG and surprise surprise, all fine! I've been worrying about my heart lately thinking constantly I'm going to have a heart attack, I was trying to rest and sleep and I suppose the only way I can describe this is when I'm lying down it feels like there's a balloon in my chest and throat and I can't breathe properly (or so my head tells me) I get a constant aching in my chest, shoulders, back, arms. I get sharp stabbing pains all over and it just feels like my throats always clogged up! I hate it, it's morning now and I still feel the same, is this my anxiety still going? The Paramedics said I really am fine, I don't feel it though, it's really getting me down. But my BP, heart etc are all fine! I feel so hopeless like no one can help! Does anyone else get this? Any advice on how to try to control my anxiety or tips on what has worked for you guys would be appreciated!

Thanks in advance! Lottie xox

08-03-15, 12:54
Hi well I had one last week and I almost called an ambulance, can feel for you is not nice.

08-03-15, 12:59
It really is awful for everyone who has anxiety :(

08-03-15, 13:02
Also if your worry about your heart your gonna go into panic mode and really think your having one. I have sat down and worried about something I think is wrong with me and guess what panic attack. Problem is I clam up and every muscle goes tight. So then I think this is it.
Even the next day I feel like utter rubbish.
Maybe you need something to calm you down, if you have had 5 tests and it's OK I'm sure it is.
It sounds like it's in your head. I don't mean that in a horrible way as im exactly the same and it's driving me mad.

08-03-15, 13:04
It's okay I know what you mean :P it is all in my head I know it is, but even when I think I'm calm and not thinking about things I actually am! It's crazy, and just like well how do I stop thinking about these things, constant all the time. :doh:

one day at a time
08-03-15, 13:10
You've had the all clear and re assurance that your heart is fine . You are going to be highly anxious because you hate this symptom , you are focusing on it and then sending yourself into a panick because you can feel it and questioning it all the time , you are fuel no your anxiwty and chances are you are going to feel this every night if you continue . You need to accept that your heart is fine and anything you feel is not going to cause it any harm , you are all tensed up . When you feel it you need to try and just let it be , don't question it , don't fight it and over time you will not react to it in anxious way and the symptoms will slowly fade

---------- Post added at 13:10 ---------- Previous post was at 13:08 ----------

Excuse the typos my phone has a mind of its own , hope it made sense

08-03-15, 13:11
I know :unsure: but it's so hard to do when your anxiety is so high and you have no clue how to just shrug it off. I try but all the time it gets the better of me :shrug:

08-03-15, 13:19
I know exactly where your coming from I can't say anything I'm exactly the same. I do find if I'm busy I forget about it, try and keep your mind busy doing stuff, still hard but helps. It will go in time.

one day at a time
08-03-15, 13:28
Shrugging it off isn't the way forward . You have to truly accept what you are feeling as a response to your high levels of anxiety , it'd the fear you have . feel it , accept it and don't fear it and anxiety will lose its power . It's the hardest part but key to managing your anxiety and never fearing how your body reacts to is as awful as the symptoms are . I wake constantly with panic and heart racing , I know my heart is fine but it's really hard getting back to sleep when your heart is racing away . I'm trying hard myself to do the above steps and accept it . After 3 am I'm done with deep sleep the rest is panic jolts every half hour or so . Trying to relax more in the day .it's another symptom that floored me this time and triggered the rest . We will get there but we must stop fighting and battles no with anxiety to be free of its power, let it do its thing and don't fear it ( easier said than done I know or I wouldn't be here on the forum )

---------- Post added at 13:28 ---------- Previous post was at 13:21 ----------

If you haven't read it already then I highly recommend Claire weekes book and the audio cd , so much knowledge and it's really helping me understand a lot about anxiety . Check amazon the cd was quite cheap and there's enough there to help you .there's also a website but not so in depth info on that

08-03-15, 13:31
Thank you so much, I will take what you've said and put it to use! It's nice to know I'm not the only one though and I'm not crazy! I work though and my work is quite full on but even then I'm thinking about it, nothing really distracts me from it which makes it harder :unsure: but thanks again guys, means a lot :hugs: xx

08-03-15, 13:39
You're not crazy it's just us. It's an illness.

one day at a time
08-03-15, 13:50
Nothing will ;) what you are feeling is real although harmless , this is why you have to just feel it and accept it , by distracting or just putting up with it you are re assuring your anxious behaviours . A non anxious person wouldn't bat an eye lid at what we are feeling and it would just pass , we are sensitised to it in a big way and need to do the opposite to what we do now so we too can be at a point we don't bat an eye lid . the more stressed and anxious we get about a symptom and the longer it will go on , your pumping more adrenalin than needed so your body keeps reacting to that and keeps you in that fight or flight mode , our bodies are not made for continuous flight or fight so we are exhausting and over working it hence all the symptoms

08-03-15, 15:57
I also feel like someone's constantly got hold of my throat and I can't breathe properly it's so tense :unsure:

08-03-15, 17:04
That's your muscles tense, I've been like that and can't swallow food no matter what. Your not alone.

08-03-15, 17:06
Any tips on how to relax them? It's such an odd feeling :(

08-03-15, 17:12
Hey there ive private messaged you with advice hope your ok x