View Full Version : My Story

17-01-07, 14:12
I've been a nervous person since i was a child, I remember worrying alot about my health back then.

As the years have passed my health concerns have increased and have now turned into panic and anxiety and constant worries about myself and my loved ones dying.

I suffer with all the usual symptoms Breathlessness, racing heart, lightheadedness...etc

I suffer everyday and worry everyday over something new, I have no life and i'm afraid to do even the smallest of tasks for fear of having an attack and people finding out about my problems.

I have had these worries for about 12 years now and never told anyone, i live in my own world and feel very scared and alone and isolated.

I'm so desperate to be normal and happy, i feel like i've wasted alot of years.

Can someone help please, i have small children who are getting older i dont want them to see me like this.

Many Thanks


P.S Has anyone ever awoken suddenly with a strange sensation that your heart has stopped beating and you cant breath properly. Also a strange heavy sensation over your body and feeling a little woosey.

This is a new one for me, it's got me a little freaked!!

17-01-07, 14:43
Hi ya,I know exactly what you are feeling hon,you sound like me.I have kids to and worry about them seeing me like this.If you want a chat pm me ok.This site is a wounderful place for you to visit you will meet alot of nice people here.
I used to get that feeling in the night my meds seem to be helping with that.
bye for now luv kat

17-01-07, 17:45
Thank you very much, your words are very soothing and reassuring.

I've found a little bit of strength and i want to use that to finally open up and maybe one day lead a normal life.

I will definatley PM you sometime, Thanks very much!!

08-03-12, 13:47
What has your doctor said, do try and find a sympathetic doctor who will listen and help. Have you tried CBT? There must be many in the NHS.