View Full Version : Physical symptoms and anexiety

Yorkshire born
09-03-15, 00:47
Does anyone find that their physical symptoms and their anexiety don't always match up and this just makes it harder to accept that it is anexiety and not something serious going on?

09-03-15, 02:01
Most of my symptoms aren't directly caused by anxiety, but the thing is that they aren't NEARLY as bad/deadly as I make them out to be. For example I have neck pain, not linked to my anxiety, quite likely cause by TMJ issues I know I have, and a stupid part of my brain tells me it's definitely a cancer for whatever reason.

It's not always anxiety, but it's never as dangerous as my stupid brain tells me.

09-03-15, 06:31
Absolutely. There are, in my opinion, two basic types of anxiety symptoms: those of panic, and those of a chronically overtaxed nervous system. Generally people are very good at accepting the former as anxiety, but less so the latter.

09-03-15, 06:47
My physical symptoms almost always happen a few hours after if they don't happen during. I kind of consider it a blessing though because I'd much rather deal with palpitations or something when I'm at home and not facing huge crowds or a dentist or something.
Sometimes I have issues from long term stress that are harder to deal with, and to be honest there are times when you won't be sure and should go to a Dr just in case. What's important is to deal with it calmly whatever you do I think.

09-03-15, 09:34
I think the physical symptoms are the worst part of having HA. They just reinforce the belief that there is something wrong. And the more you worry and stress, the worse the physical symptoms get and then you definitely believe theres something wrong now, leadinng to more worry and more symptoms. It is a vicious never ending cycle that is so bluddy difficult to get out of.

09-03-15, 13:34
I tend to think my symptoms are the more serious and that I'm the only one that really has something physically wrong with me that no doctor has noted yet. I read about others having those same symptoms and think oh it's just anxiety but when I get them it means something is seriously wrong with me.

Does that make sense?

09-03-15, 13:49
Hi Yorkshire born! I'm from Yorkshire too, where abouts are you from?!
Yep I know what you mean, sometimes I get symptoms when I don't even think I'm feeling anxious, which make me anxious in itself, which makes the symptoms worse and its just a vicious horrible circle!

Yorkshire born
09-03-15, 19:22
Well I've been feeling unwell for about 4-5 months now, and I definatly have some anexiety issues, but I find it really hard to accept that this could just be anexiety, even though many of the symptoms fit. Can anexiety make you feel ill all the time? Got a doctors appointment tomorrow been panicking about it for the past few days now 😞