View Full Version : Why me?

09-03-15, 07:13
I often asked my self this question so many times; why me who suffers this anxiety and phobia and not my sblings?

I have 3 brothers and 3 sisters but none of them have any issue like me.

I know because I lived with them we grown up to gethers, they got married and they led a more successful life than me. On both professional and social levels.

Again, why me lord?

I feel many times that this battle of survival is at its end, that I want to raise the white flag and say that is it I give up on everything
I have had it, it is time to surrender

Any one has this feeling? I would love to hear from you lot

It is nice to discuss these things with people with the same problem


09-03-15, 18:18
I guess in families we all have different personalities. My sister doesn't suffer with anxiety like I do but we never know when or if it is going to hit at some time in our lives.

09-03-15, 18:27
I though this too Kareem.

Maybe we are too Sensitive? Maybe too much Stress or Trauma? Maybe too much thinking. Overwork? Fear of Life? Fear of Death? Maybe all of these things?

But, what I have learned, is that it won't kill you. It has happened as a protection. Once this happens, your Body/Mind goes in to a repair process. Sometimes you recover quickly, other times it may take a little longer.
But, you are not alone and you can get through it.
There is so much support on here and you are one of the lucky ones to have found it.:)

09-03-15, 18:53
kareem.i can relate..i have three brothers and one sister,and none of them have mental health problems.my younger brother has moved to australier and married,has a new born and a amazing job.my other brothers and sister all have a good marrige and good jobs ,cars etc...they all know me as the one with some kind of illness,but none understand or are any help whats so ever..life sucks.but i have found being on this forum,i have made some amazing friends that do understand and help....chin up and keep posting.things will get better with time

10-03-15, 05:13
Thanks everyone for your kind words and support
Realy appreciate this
God bless

13-03-15, 21:01
Yes I def feel the same way... everyone else is alright while Im struggling to be normal.
Its not fair, but it is what it is...

Many times i lay down and sleep, I just wish I wouldn't wake up..b/c anxiety(being afraid of being afraid, afraid of going crazy, dealing w/ depersonalization....) is alot, its too much

and everytime i think it can't get worse..it does...

I feel like raising the flag too.

But I hope you find the strength to go on.

16-03-15, 05:15
Thanks for your support and good words

blue moon
16-03-15, 08:12
Hi Kareem:D
I am the only one in my family that has suffered,I am also the only one with PTSD,after the deaths of loved ones many years ago,it is not fair maybe I am the sensitive one,my husband say the same.
Hope you are well

Petra x:D

16-03-15, 08:47
I know exactly how you feel. I think why me all the time.

The good thing about having this though is that you appreciate the good times more than your other family members do.

Have you recovered from anxiety many times? That is a great feeling eh?


---------- Post added at 08:47 ---------- Previous post was at 08:40 ----------

Also, I am sure people have other problems. Who doesn't have problems. They may have pains or other types of problems- although I hope they don't have these things. Our battle is anxiety- they may have something else.


24-03-15, 07:39
Yes, you are right, if it is not this it is another thing.
Life goes on ...


24-03-15, 08:03
Its a completely normal question we all ask in times of hardship, but I guess the way to look at this is to flip the question on its head and ask 'why not me?'

Anxiety doesnt make a person weak, in fact quite the opposite. In general an anxiety reaction stems from having coped with a real life worry or trauma for too long without help. Does that sound like someone who is not strong?

So maybe the answer is that you are far more able to cope with Anxiety than your siblings would ever be?

24-03-15, 08:49
a good old cuppa tea solves everything :)

blue moon
24-03-15, 11:39
I prefer good old cuppa coffee,Andy:D

How are you Kareem.x

25-03-15, 04:27
I am good considering all factors.

I do love a nice cup of tea over coffee.

Hope things OK in your domain.

blue moon
25-03-15, 04:44
I am well Kareem,hope you are the same.:D