View Full Version : What do I have to say? Advice please!

03-09-04, 16:01
Hi Everyone,
I am just coming out of a bout of anxiety and depression after being clear for six years. I take antidepressants and there are still situations that I have a panic in, but I feel I need to take control of myself.

I have spotted a part time job that I feel I could do as a starting point. In fact, I would really like it and it is only 9.5 hours a week. I have got an application form and with it is a very lengthy medical form.

The thing I need to know is how much do I admit to on the medical form, because I know from experience that anxiety and depression puts people off straight away. There is STILL a stigma attatched to our illness unfortunately.

Does anyone have any idea what I should do? I don't want to break the law in any way by not disclosing information, but I would like a fair crack at the job.


03-09-04, 16:04
Hi ,

Is it free text for you to write in or is it tick boxes and room for more comments ?


03-09-04, 16:21
Hi Meg,
It is tick boxes and room for more comments. It does ask if I have any medical condition which may affect my work and if I have ever had any serious illnesses. I guess depression and anxiety when you can't get out the door is pretty major, but I can do it now.

What do you think?


03-09-04, 16:27
It all comes down to what extent your GP or other doctor knew you were incapacitated . If they knew you couldn't get out of the door you'll have to admit to it all.
You just have to admit to whatever can be verified should they keep a medical report now or at any other time

If its body systems tick boxes ie psychiatric you need to tick it and put reactive anxiety and depression secondary to xxxxx. That almost means it happened for a reason and is not likely to happen again. Again it must be verifiable or its fraud.

Does that help ?


Anxiety is a thin stream of fear trickling through the mind.
If encouraged, it cuts a channel into which all other thoughts are drained.
Robert Albert Bloch

03-09-04, 16:31
Thanks Meg. My GP knows everything because I threw myself on his desk one day in hysterics!

I am going to try for it anyway, be honest and if they don't give me an interview, well it's their loss. There must be other jobs I can do!

Best wishes,

03-09-04, 19:13
Hi Joy

I had to do a similar form when I started work and I was honest on it. I said that I had panic attacks and anxiety.

I figured that cos I was likely to be off sick sometimes that they couldn't turn round and say I never told them about it and equally I could say "well I did tell you about it and you still gave me the job".

I would just say that you had some anxiety due to xxx like Meg said and if it comes back and is an issue, then say you thought you were better but it has come back.

Good luck and let us know ok?


03-09-04, 22:47
Hi Joy

It is hard when applying for jobs with a medical history of our illness but best to be up front and let them know how you have suffered and i am sure your doctor will support any application you make.

You are right about people still dont understand,but that is down to their ignorance. Best of luck mate.

Go for it.

Love Sal xxxxx

03-09-04, 23:15
hi there,

I understand your concern but I do think that honesty is always the best policy...Good luck!!!

Sarah :D

03-09-04, 23:40
I have to agree too.

Honesty is the best policy.

If you tell them the truth then they can't say they didn't know.

Most employers are willing to be more sympathatic under the banner of equal opportunities [^]

Love, light and Best wishes
Liz xxx
With hard work and determination and all the things you know.
The world is there for you to take. There's nowhere you can't go.

[:p]Scatty Eccentric & 'Poet Laureate to panic and anxiety'

04-09-04, 19:36
Hi There

Ive just been given 3 jobs in the last 3 months and on each one I have totally disclosed EVERYTHING. No one had a problem what so ever and it made me feel easier that I knew I wouldnt have to try and hide things.

love Sarah

05-09-04, 00:08
Hi Christine

already posted but you go for it. Honesty is the best policy. Steel the show by how you are and i know you can do that. Not being upfront will come back to haunt you and you really dont need that hon.

BE you & if they have any sense they will see that.

Let us know how it is going?

Love Sal xxxxx

05-09-04, 09:48
Hi Everybody,
I'm wavering a bit and the application has to be posted tomorrow.
It seemed a good idea when I was feeling positive, but it's Sunday morning and my positivity is failing!

I could do that job you know, but supposing the people are unfriendly or they don't like me? Now I'm being pathetic. I'm gonna post it and be done.

Love Christine

05-09-04, 13:49

You are just worried about it all - which is natural. Post it and see what happens. You don't have to accept the job if you get it and I am sure the people will be lovely.

Fingers crossed for you.


Caz Fab Pants
05-09-04, 23:18

I was in similar situation a few years back and I just put down the minimal information with the intention of giving details if the application went further. This was due to me wanting to check that it was all confidential because it wouldn't be nice for a receptionist to have a read before passing it on, especially in a small town like mine.

I'm probably just paranoid but I dont like the thought of people knowing my most intimate problems, even if they are in the past.

Ed my boyfriend says 'be economical with the truth' which I think is good advice. Dont lie, but dont give them your life story.

Hope this hasn't worried you as I'm sure it will work out if it was meant to be. Also, you've probably already posted the form so maybe I shouldn't have bothered posting. [:I][Duh!]

Best of luck Christine and let us know how it goes.
