View Full Version : Medication, when do you give in and try it?

09-03-15, 12:06
I've been trying to use natural methods to calm my anxiety, everything from herbs to talk therapy. Therapy helps but inside I still have those shakes, fears, odd physical symptoms etc.

So, how do you decide if you just can't take it anymore(which is where I'm at right now) and try medication? I'm scared of the side effects more than anything right now.

09-03-15, 12:30
well tela.i would say ,if you have tried everything eles and dont feel anything is working,then i would say,speek to your doctor and get advice.tell him/her of your concern of side effects,they could start you on a very small dose and build up slowly to the right dose..thete are many meds out there today,and they dont all give bad side efects ,esp if you start up with a very low dose..have a chat with your gp...there are many people who have had no problems being on medication..what works for one person dosnt allways work for others

09-03-15, 12:32
Hi Tela :)
I went on to Citalopram after I was experiencing really high anxiety and once the meds kicked in, I felt sooo much better! You can also take beta-blockers for the physical symptoms.
Maybe you could talk to your doctor about it? Even IF you do get side-effects, they won't last for long as they soon go!
Hope this helps :)

09-03-15, 19:08
I'm like you, Tela, and have been hovering around the decision whether to go on the meds or not. My doc gave me a prescription for Citalopram just before Xmas, and I have been trying my hardest not to go and get it filled. Something which seems to be getting harder of late. I have a few other things to try yet, like meditation, but if no joy then may well give the meds a go. As it would be nice to actually live my life, rather than endure it.

My biggest fear, tho, is what if I try them and they don't work either.

I'm a glass half full kinda guy.

12-03-15, 08:08
Each person different from another. What works for you might not work for someone else. You can judge your ability to cope with or without drugs.
I myself have severe anxiety/phobia/Social Anxiety and tried many methods to no avail. I am on Seroxat and quite dependant on it.