View Full Version : Weak heartbeat

09-03-15, 13:24
I'm finding my heart rate is very weak when checking my throat and 2 wrists, i suffer with anxiety and panic attacks so whenever I feel that my pulse is weak I drive myself mad and start to panic.. I get very light headed and weak, shaky, sweaty head , hands and feet.. Also get dizzy.. I find it hard to sleep also and to hold a long sleep.. I'm absolutely drained from it and have just spent the whole day in bed and still can't sleep despite how tired I am! I am also on 5mg lexapro the last 2 weeks which have been working up and till now.. Has anyone else had this kind of problem?
Also, I got my heart checked last week and was told I have an irregular heartbeat and was just left as it was, didn't get any medication or anything.. So as you can probably tell I get myself all wound up and panic about it all! Haha:)

13-03-15, 12:48
If your heart was really weak I think you'd have other symptoms and moving around would be difficult. I know what you mean about checking your pulse and panicking when it's faint or not there, though, as I've done that. :)

Did they say what kind of irregular heartbeat you had?