View Full Version : so many symptoms - need some reassurance.

09-03-15, 20:30
Hi everyone, my health anxiety is so bad at the moment and panicking there is something seriously wrong with me. Here is a list of my symptoms and fears and just wondered if you have any reassurance? I just cant seem to rationalise it and theres so much going round in my head. Im 28 years old, ive never smoked and rarely drink alcohol however i am overweight and dont have the best diet but trying to eat better.

First fear is oral cancer - over the past two weeks my tongue has had a white coating and the back of my tongue looks a bit odd but maybe its always been like it as u dont tend to look at the back of your tongue. My tongue dont seem to hurt or be in pain. Ive also had an occassional sore throat but its not persistent or constant. I also have on and off jaw pain. i seem to be noticing different things everyday and its driving me mad and im checking my tongue like a 100 times a day. Any ideas what could this be? I also have to keep clearing my throat.

My next fear is sinus/nasal cancer. For quite a few years i have suffered bad sinus congestion but im starting to panic about sinus cancer and i also have post nasal drip. Can anyone relate to this?

My final fear is breast cancer. I have been getting some on and off pain in my breasts for a while and today they feel sensitive like when your pregnant only theres no way i could be pregnant. what could be causing this? When im in the bath my boobs look different shapes and not sure wats going on.

Please help everyone? Im so scared.

Please Reply
Love Louise xxxxxxxxxx

09-03-15, 21:10
Hi Louise,

I know others will say similar but reassurance is only a quick fix. It's like a drug to the HA sufferer and you end up needing more and more. I responded to an earlier post and see you seeking reassurance on another anxiety forum. I offered reassurance as an OC survivor and said that your symptoms don't in any way, shape or form sound like OC. But yet, you still fear it. It's now manifested itself into nasal cancer (which is ever rarer) and on to breast cancer. You can go to the doctor and get tests and that may quell your fear... for only a while until something else takes hold.

The help you need is beyond the forum and should be from a mental health professional in the form of therapy/CBT, meds or a combination thereof. If you really were ill with something, would you net get it treated? The only difference between the cancer you fear and the illness you have is how it's affecting you.

I had and have physical issues that can bury me six feet under ground. You are facing something that can do that to you above ground.

Read CPE's "Get a Plan" thread in the stickies at the top of the page. Read some of the success stories. Become one of them! ;)

Positive thoughts