View Full Version : Really freaking out. So scared.

09-03-15, 20:36
I have a pelvic ultrasound on the 25th of March, as I've not had periods for 4 months and am not pregnant.
I had a abdominal ultrasound last week due to periods of extreme pain and general bloating and indigestion, but the lady said all looked fine unfortunately. (As I still get the symptoms with no explanation,obviously I'm not sad there's nothing abnormal detected!)

But now I'm getting more and more frequent sharp pain just above my groin, to the left and right, that's moderate in nature.
I feel really bloated and crampy.
I also have been getting a lot of extra discharge these last few months, and periods of extreme itching in that area that are on/off and seemingly not related to anything. (They wake me up in my sleep which is embarassing)

There's just this waiting period of nothing happening and the NHS symptom checker told me to make a GP app urgently and I'm just so worried.
I don't want something else to worry about and just things keep on getting worse it'll probably be easier just to die at this point.
I had a massive panic attack yesterday when I went home and ruined by mum's weekend and I've stressed her out this past year with all these health problems and I feel so bad and I just want everything to be OK.

I wish everything would be ok.

09-03-15, 21:25

I understand your concerns but the most common reasons for missing periods are PCOS, extreme stress, over exercising, being underweight.

Over the last few years I have had more period problems than I can remember from skipping periods, having two periods in two weeks, spotting, cramping, one sided pain. I've had three ultrasounds and nothing has been found and I'm now having hormone testing for possible thyroid/menopause.

You don't say how old you are but there are a whole host of things that could be causing this and 99% of them will be benign.

I know it is hard but my friend had nearly a year without periods, she was getting so stressed out about it and then she decided to go travelling for a year and within a couple of weeks of going and starting to relax they started again.

As for the bloating/gas etc to me it sounds like IBS symptoms again brought on and exasperated by anxiety and stress.

Try not to worry, it really sounds like just a hormonal blip and I bet once you get the all clear on everything your periods will return.